
San Zoilo - Program 66... ...6

No the program wasn't really that bad!!!! But with Halloween just around the corner and we were in a HAUNTED monastery or were we? Its just a lot of strange things occurred, whilst playing cards the number 666 kept appearing and there was a murder and a suicide on the program! Okay both were faked but still! and of course the Quiemada ritual!

I must say though, a very good and highly enjoyable time was had. We had a lot of very talented individuals, from flute playing, operatic singing (in the church was amazing), murder mysteries, Shakespearean recitals (sadly we ran out of time to hear these), and proper actors - whether amateur dramatics or not, which all led to a much better week, so well done for offering so much of yourselves.

Everyone behaved themselves this week too - no late-comers, Dylan made his on stage debut (and sadly killed himself later; NO, he didn't die on stage!), only problem was he was SOOOoooo HUNGRY!!! Carmen and I were parodied and we found out Carmen has a hidden side!! ;)

Photos of the week are of course available for your viewing and downloading pleasure HERE


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