
Flow: For The Love Of Water

This is a good interview with Maude Barlow, co-chair of The Blue Planet Project, and a preview of the documentary: Flow: For The Love Of Water that looks at privitization and the effects of our behavior in disrespecting our most precious resource.

The Blue Planet Project

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The Cabbage Soup Diet

A couple of reporters at Fox News have been trying the Cabbage Soup Diet this week.

They say that if you want to get a kick start on losing weight, it might be worth a try for one week. The cabbage soup diet is not limited to just eating cabbage soup all day as I had thought. They say it worked great for them. The diet helped them both realize they were not eating enough vegetables and fruit. It also helped them become more creative in trying different combinations of vegetables cooked in different ways.

They say that after seven days they have both lost five pounds.

See more about the pros and cons of the cabbage soup diet at Wikipedia.

The latest book about the cabbage food diet sells for $5 on Amazon - The New Cabbage Soup Diet

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Food Fight

This is an amazing video. The foods of nations fighting against each other from 1939 to present. Does anyone else find this to be a profound work of art?

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I've Got Spring Fever

I ate lunch at my desk today. I've been busy working on an article that I have to finish. I don't have much enthusiasm to write it though—and that means it's taking a long time.

I'm hoping that the switch in thyroid medication will help. It seems to be. I do feel more like doing something. When the meds were lowered, I didn't have much zest at all. I just wish it were warm outside so I could hit the Rail Trail. Spring Fever is setting in rapidly.

I'm trying to cut back on the amount I'm eating. I know I'm over doing it. But it's hard.

Well, unfortunately today I don't have much time. So I'll end here.

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25 Extreme Diets

RNCentral has compiled a list of the 25 most ridiculous and ineffective popular diets.

Though I agree most of these are not good for long term weight loss, I think the South Beach Diet and the Macrobiotic Diet shouldn't be on this list. If most people ate as prescribed in these diets, their daily choice of snacks and meals would be much healthier than the average persons daily food consumption.

Check out their list of the top extreme diets.

The macrobiotic meal above consists of brown rice, kale and brocolli.

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Tony D's Hair Styling

Visit the hair salon are all good ideas to treat your self at the end of pregnancy. To choose the right salon for you is important. To start find you should create a list of characteristics want your lounge. If you live on Chalfont maybe you could try hair salon Chalfont at Tony D's Hair styling salon, located in 308 W Butler Ave, Chalfont PA 18914.To complete information and full service salon

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Advantage Media Services (AMS) fulfillment

Fulfillment refers to providing customers the storage of materials until they request the delivery it self or to a third party. Sellers also provide services for processing of applications received from a customer by e-mail, phone, fax or any other electronic means, more known as pick and pack.Now, do you need product fulfillment services? You can see Advantage Media Services (AMS) fulfillment.

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I Must Have a Negative Charge

Ack. I've been having a lot of trouble with electrical things these days. My electric at home was in such bad shape that my house could've burned down, and today my computer at work crashed. Hmmm. Is it me?

Well, I had to have my thyroid medication increased. So I'm back to my old dosage. I should've stayed there to begin with. And I was really starting to feel hypothyroid. I was bloated and not losing any weight. So we'll see what the increase does. It will probably take a few days for it to regulate. But once the meds were increased, my appetite diminished. I have to get more blood work done in about six weeks. So we'll see.

The weather has been really bad here. I made it to the gym this morning—but the place was bare. The aerobics instructor came in, but I told her she didn't have do a whole class just for me. So I walked on the track for about 45 minutes and did about 35 minutes on the elliptical.

I got my electric repaired at home yesterday. But I am so happy. It's done. Yea. And he really did it up for me. it's always good to have a friend who's an electrician.

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Free online coupons

Whether we are shopping online by categories: Food & Wine, Flowers & Gifts, Health & Beauty, Home & Garden , Wireless & Internet , Jewelry & Watches, Baby, Kids & Toys, electronics , or computers , We all share one thing in common , we all want a great bargain , or some sort of reasonable discount. We all know that discount coupons are great ways to save money.But do you know online coupon?

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Sex and the City!!!

To say that I'm excited for the release of Sex and the City the movie would be the understatement of the decade! As my co-worker properly stated, it's "a reason for living." So I'll leave you with that!

Sex and the City Movie Trailer

Wedding Scene Movie Spoiler - Proceed with caution!

(I personally couldn't bring myself to watch the entire thing.)

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beautiful prose

"There continues to be no evidence of recurrent metastatic disease on images of the abdomen."

This means that I will continue to go for only one treatment a month, indefinitely.

As for the long run, who knows? As my oncologist said today, 16 years ago women with liver metastases were dead within a few months. Given that this is my third CT in remission (the first was in June and the next in November), he is, in his words, "amazingly optimistic."

We are travelling in uncharted waters, my oncologist and I (the drug combination I am on, herceptin and vinorelbine, is not even a recognized treatment yet in Ontario). Given the alternative, however, I am more than happy to keep paddling.

Read more helps you go shopping

Mpire suggests line podiums where millions of matters become every day. Apply a systematic bias is not to assimilate prices in the any product of thousands of different truths. Carefully, the company allows users of the site to see how many they need to pay for the art they want, and shopping plug alerted users while she went shopping where other traders who had price cheaper to those obtained

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(Don't) b a toxic friend...

The concept of having and making friends has been important since we've been old enough to share the cookies in our lunchboxes. As we've gotten older, and moved away from our hometowns and families, friends play an even more critical role. FRIENDS = FAMILY. They're our support system, babysitters, financial advisers, and so much more! But at this point, we've all had the reckoning that it's about quality and not quantity.

While it's never easy to lose someone you call your girl, maintaining a toxic friendship only leads to more harm than good. If you can answer "yes" to any of the questions below, you may be engaging in a toxic friendship.


1. Dramatic Betty
Q: Is she the same friend that always threatens to take her earrings off at the club to fight even though she's only 120lbs, while simultaneously trying to find a reason that you need to break up with your man? (y/n)__

2. All-Important Betty
Q: Is she always "too busy", and the only time you see her is on her schedule even though you know she has a standing facial and shiatsu massage every week that she never misses? (y/n)__

3. Needy Betty
Q: Does she only call you when her car breaks down, she needs the spare keys you're holding or when she can't remember someone's phone number? Can you remember the last time ya'll just talked without you providing a service? Hmmm...(y/n)__

4. Debbie Downer Betty
Q: Is she always too hot, too cold, so broke, unbelievably tired, and fed up all at the same time? More importantly, does she always have something negative to say when you share good news? (y/n)__

5. In Da Club Betty
Q: When was the last time you saw her in the daylight? (Day/time)__
(Please note - this friend can serve a purpose. Just keep it in context.)

6. Back-to-me Betty
Q: If you're talking to her about a promotion you're up for, do you find yourself talking about her split ends (substitute: dying plants, new rash, or any other asinine topic) before you've completed your thought?(y/n)__

7. Insecure BettyQ: Does she make excuses not to tell you where she bought her shoes, introduce you to her new man, or how to find that cheap flight to St. Maarten, out of fear that you're going to take her spot?(y/n)__

8. Man-problems Betty
Q: Do her ups and downs with her man affect how good of a friend she is to you like someone with a gambling problem? When they're up, they are WAY up, but when they're down, it's bad news?(y/n)__

If you answered "yes" to 3 or more questions on the Toxic Friends quiz, take a step back and give your relationship careful observation for 2 weeks. If you had the same friend in mind and answered "yes" to all 8 questions - tell her to kick rocks!

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what i did on my winter vacation

I can't seem to string two sentences together today (believe me, I've been trying) so instead of a more substantive post, I will provide you with more photos of one of the world's most photogenic children.

These were taken in Sarasota, Florida, on the rare occasions when I remembered to bring my camera.

I need to figure out how to work the zoom on my little camera. Watching my little man paddle away in the kayak with Grandpa, really turned my insides to mush.

While Grandpa and Bubbie went for a little paddle (I went out, too, although I didn't do much paddling, just glided along while my father-in-law did all the work), D. and I played on the beach (just the over the hill from the bay where we went paddling):

D. asked me to lie down, so he could trace my shape in the sand. I was impressed that I had the agility to get up without blurring his work. I was less impressed with my shape in the sand which was distinctly, um, bottom heavy. The hour glass has been replaced with a pear, it seems.

D. especially loved the palm trees, which he insisted on calling "coco-palms" even though we explained that we were too far north for coconuts. He said the ones bearing fruit would be coconut trees and that these were called coco-palm trees.

The child has an uncanny ability to insist on his own version of reality, even when presented with irrefutable evidence to the contrary. If he decides that up is down (or that he was wide awake on the plane and the trip was just really, really short), it is often easier to just let it go then to try and convince him otherwise.

We also went to the circus, saw some alligators (I took pictures but the 'gators look like logs. See above re the zoom) and tasted alligator stew, saw many beautiful birds (although not as many as last year), went to the aquarium and spent lots of time on, in and near the water. Two of my nieces (both really nice people - one is almost 12 and the other will turn 10 this year) were there for part of the time and my father-in-law and his wife are both warm, funny, generous people.

I really lucked out with my spouse's family (so much so that they were a part of my 41 things about T.).

Speaking of my spouse, I think he was a little chagrined with the beautiful weather we had. It was one thing to say, "It's OK, honey, you go to Florida without me. I really need to stay and work," when he thought the weather would be cool and perhaps even rainy. However, it turned out to unseasonably hot and gorgeous every day.

He and my older son S. had a pretty good time, though. They rented a wii, played games with friends on the big screen in T.'s office, went skating on the canal and watched lots of movies. They probably sat around eating junk food in their underwear, too.

As for little D. and I, it was wonderful to be able to spend so much time together. He is growing up so quickly. I don't really have the words to explain how cool it is to watch him grow and learn, hear his observations on the world (absolutely nothing gets by him, even when you think he's not listening). He is one sharp kid.

One night when I was getting him ready for bed, he said, "Mama, I love you as much as all the days." He has said this before.

"I love you as much as all the lives of everyone in the world. That's forever."

And then came the kicker.

"I love you even when I'm mad at you."

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Losing It with Valerie Bertinelli

Valerie Bertinelli became the new spokesperson for Jenny Craig last year. She's successfully lost her excess weight and has written a book about it. At her peak she weighed 170 pounds. She was able to get down to 132 pounds. Her height is 5'2" and she'll be 48 years old in a couple of months.

In her book Losing It: And Gaining My Life Back One Pound at a Timeshe talks about how depression fed her weight gain. She would try to alleviate her depression with junk food.

See her heartfelt story here.

See more about the link between depression and diet here.

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I'm hungry. It's getting harder to resist many of the temptations of everyday living. I tend to eat too much these days. I'm still eating things that are good for me—just a little too much of them. So I haven't lost any more weight. I think my eating is balancing out with the exercise—so I'm not burning enough to make a difference on the scale. But you know what? It's OK.

When I got up this morning I slammed headlong into the door. Now I have this knot of my forehead along with a long cut—it's not very deep just a surface wound. What a way to start the day. I said it can only get better from here, right?

The workout was good today. I felt energized afterward. I got better sleep last night, I guess.

I've been having trouble getting into Blogger from work these days. I'm not sure what the deal is. But my posts will short so I don't get bumped off.

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Reducing Belly Fat with Whole Grains

There's an interesting article on CBS News today about eating whole grains to reduce your belly fat. A study found that of two groups who were put on reduced calories, those who ate whole grains versus refined grains lost more fat and significantly more fat around their belly area.

Now what are whole grains? I know that white rice and white bread are not whole grains.

But if you asked me if breads labeled with the words "multi-grain," "stone-ground," "100% wheat," "cracked wheat," "seven-grain," or "bran" were whole grain foods, I would have said yes before I read this article!

Whole grains include brown rice, oatmeal and whole wheat. (But many more too, see their list).

The article recommends you look at the ingredients for the fiber content. If the bread shows a high daily value percentage of fiber content (%DV) then it's much more likely the bread contains whole grains. Color by itself is not an indicator of whole grains. Breads are dyed brown with molasses or other added ingredients.

See more about belly fat and the benefits of whole grains here.

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The opportunity and get paid

Bloggerwave is provider then gives you the opportunity for bloggers to earn decent money to write about their products and service . This is the perfect opportunity for anyone who is interested in make money blog.There is a large number of service providers blog advertising that we have known that, but just a few that had the quality of the good service. Do you have a blog? Why not try the

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B tubed!

Penny (aka. Mrs. Dupri) spoofs MTV's most popular reality shows!

Ms. Jackson does have a sense of humor. I know you're at work and this one is long, but wait until the end. Janet's "Diddy" is priceless.

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Long Term Care Insurance

Long term care is not the type of care offered by a hospital or a doctor's clinic. Long term care can be received at home, in a nursing home or at an assisted living facility. About 55% of American who are 85 or older needs long term care.12 million older Americans are expected to require long term care in the year 2020.Long term care insurance is restively new, but nowadays there are more than

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happy and home

And exhausted.

We had such a wonderful time.

And it will only be winter for a few more weeks, right? Right?

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Ooooo That Smell

I woke up yesterday out of the most wonderful dream—I had my head on the shoulder of my old love. It was nice, pleasant, and I wished I could go back to sleep. I then spent the rest of the day in a very nice mood—that is up until last night.

I started to smell the oddest odor coming from my basement. It smelled like plastic burning. I searched the basement and discovered it was coming from my main breaker box. Now I'm panic stricken. I got on the Internet and started a search, "Funny smell coming from my breaker box." And believe it or not, I actually got hits. Turns out this could be a big problem—No kidding, I'm thinking. Fortunately, one of Dad's friends is a certified electrician. And the guy happens to live only a few houses away from me. I rush to his house.

"John, I think my house is going to burn down," I begin. He says he doesn't see any flames. Everybody has to be a comedian. Anyway, I explain to him what's going on—the funny smell and all. He gets his tools and comes back to my house. Turns out the main line coming into the house was arcing—and it's aluminum. The wire was loose, so he tightens it. But I really need to have all new stuff put in. So that's what I'm doing on Wednesday. But at least I know this guy, and he's really cutting me a break. I'm getting a new wire from the meter into the house, a new breaker box with all new breakers, a dedicated line to dryer and one to the furnace for around $500. Not bad. It may be a little more. But he's doing it for cost. Thank God for such great friends.

Anyway, that was my day yesterday. My workout this morning seemed grueling. Maybe because I was so stressed out yesterday. I felt kind of nauseated. I felt like I had no strength. And I ate too much over the weekend. In fact I've been eating too much for a while now. So I'm back to writing everything down. And I'm drinking more water.

What a great start to my week. Just went I think things might be OK, bam. The shit hits the fan.

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My Husband Makes Me Fat

My eating habits are quite different than they would be if I was single. My husband is a meat and potatoes man. He also loves bread, deli meats and fatty spaghetti. He definitely does not like grated carrot salad or tofu or yogurt. He is slim by the way, and always has been. (He burns off a lot of calories as his work is physical).

If I served brown rice and fish or lentil soup for dinner more than once a month there would be some kind of revolt in this household. I'm just kidding that he makes me fat. But I am quite sure I'd lose 15 pounds quite quickly if I lived on my own.

That's why it was refreshing to read Siditty's take on meals and marriage. She refuses to eat like her husband. If he doesn't want what she's making, he can help himself to his preferred food in the fridge. She tried eating like him for a while, but gained a lot of weight. Now they eat completely different meals.

It's refreshing to read this, but I don't think I could pull it off around here...

She also writes;

My husband grew up in a household of overweight people. His mother, stepfather, and his brothers were all overweight. His mother and stepfather both had gastric bypass. My husband and his brother lost weight on Atkins. The husband at one time was overweight and lost over 80 pounds and now he is uber hot and stuff, but he has been gaining weight as of recent due to reverting back to his old diet. His diet consists of nothing but carbs and fat. Pizza or pizza rolls every night for dinner. Cereal for breakfast, wendy's or some other restaurant for lunch, and miscellaneous junk food throughout the day.

See her interesting story here.

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B at La Esquina!

La Esquina has long been a NYC favorite, and I'm definitely drinking the juice. The food, the atmosphere, and the experience of "discovering" this restaurant all lends to the build up before indulging in a properly hyped Latin meal.

This seemingly unglamorous taqueria unfolds into a more formal dining area. But don't make a scene when you're directed to go down these dingy stairs and through the kitchen to get there. (Trust me, I almost went there until I saw other patrons exiting from the same path.)

(Try the Sangria while waiting - it's perfecto!)

Must order items:
1) Crabmeat Tostadas
2)Tinga de Pollo

At the end of the meal, our group was sufficiently fed and plotting our return trip. You can't really do better than that!

Ps. Definitely call ahead because reservations are a must. If you're desperate, you can always order from the taqueria and wait on it upstairs.

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B quoted...

"...stylish women are born and not made."
June Ambrose, Effortless Style

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World Water Forum-Davos

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The Gym, Liposuction, and Daylight Savings Time

Yesterday I didn't go to work. I stayed home and did nothing. I needed the break. What I really need is a vacation.

I wish I could have liposuction to get rid of the rest of my fat. I still have about 50 pounds to go. And some days I get really discouraged. I keep telling myself, "Hey, you've already lost more than that. You can do it." And I have made a lot of lifestyle changes. In fact, I prefer to eat healthy food over junk food any day of week now. It's just better fuel. But some days, I wish I wasn't facing such a challenge. Why can't I already be in shape and maintaining my new figure? Yeah, I know. Quit feeling sorry for myself. It could be a lot worse.

I'm thinking of going to the gym today. It would be something to do besides sitting around the house complaining.

Also, today I realized that Daylight Savings Time begins March 9. I always feel better when we have more daylight in the evening. OK. So for a week I'll feel crap because we'll really be getting up an hour earlier. But once that week is over, it just gets better. I can't wait for spring. I really want to hit the Rail Trail. Right now, it's just too damn soggy. I think some outdoor exercise will do me some good--breathe in some air that isn't full of dust. That's what I'm talking about.

BTW: thanks for all the suggestions for my bat wings. I'm going to try to incorporate some of those suggestions into my regular routine. I also found some good exercises in a magazine. I found some good ab exercises, too. One day when I have the patience, I'll explain them here. But working as a writer for environmental things, I get tired of explaining exactly how things work all of the time. I'm not exactly a technical writer--I'd say more like a scientific writer. I don't have to explain all of the details about how "it works" just most of them. Anyway, you get the point.

OK. So go to the gym or not go the gym? That is the question. I'm thinking about it.

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Being the Best Sales in Telemarketing with

It’s a great news for every telemarketing sales force. Now, you can be a top seller and it’s just like that. Get more consumers in and leave your ancient way in getting customers. Forget about trying to pick a name in a phone book for your customer. It’s not the time any more for that such an old way because today, provides online information of mailing list. It provides

Read more, my credit assistance

Before, I always refuse to have a credit card because in my opinion, it didn’t solve a problem without getting another problem. Well, I say that having a credit card is solving a problem with another problem because by having one, I can avoid my cash financial problem, but later on I will get into another trouble which is paying the bills. Yet, that was before I know about Bad Credit Offers. I

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GrandCentral: receive calls and post voicemail with your blog

With GrandCentral, a free service from Google, you can receive phone calls and post voicemails right on your blog. Though GrandCentral is currently in a private beta test, bloggers can skip the wait and get a free account immediately. Sign up now

WebCall Button
When you add GrandCentral’s WebCall button to your blog, your readers can easily call your phone or leave voicemails without ever seeing your telephone number.

You can screen calls, either accepting them or sending them to voicemail, and you can even block unwanted callers altogether. Learn how to add a WebCall button to your blog, and try it out for yourself below:

Voicemail Inbox

Your voicemail is all kept in a visual online inbox that is easy to manage. Store as many as you like for as long as you like, or post them to your blog so anyone can hear them. Here’s what it looks like to put a voicemail on your blog:

Sign Up Now
Ready to get started? Follow these links:
  1. Sign up for GrandCentral for free
  2. Add a WebCall button to your sidebar
  3. Post your voicemails to your blog

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B out this weekend...

I'm looking outside my window and the snow is falling. My plan is to stay in or b out and enjoy some good music this weekend. TGIF!

What: Heineken New Legends Series present - The Roots
When: Friday Feb. 22. (Shows begin at 7:30 & 11:30P)
Where: The Apollo Theater
Why: It's showtime at the Apollo!

What: Chrisette Michelle
When: Sunday Feb. 24 (Doors open at 6PM, show starts at 8PM)
Where: Highline Ballroom
Why: She's got that voice...

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I'm Making It Quick

I just now got onto Blogger. I haven't been able to get on for a couple of days. I'm not sure why.

I did a step aerobics class this morning. The little girl who teaches this class has a lot of energy. I always feel like I should be in puddle on floor when it's over. For some reason I had a lot of leg cramps today. But I muddled my way through it.

Yesterday I went out for Chinese food at lunchtime. I thought to myself, "I like Chinese food. Why don't I eat it more often?" Well, this morning I remembered why. I woke up feeling like a blowfish. I was so puffed up. It's getting a little better now. And I had a headache. I still have a headache.

The weather is freezing here—makes it hard to do anything. I hate it when it's this cold.

I'm going to end this here. I'm afraid I'll get kicked off again.

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B in St. Maarten...

You could be here...
The Good Life Festival: April 23rd - 28th, 2008

St. Maarten







Exclusive -The B-Discount!!! (see below)

This is the ULTIMATE vacation for black professionals looking for the perfect getaway. No thinking required because the All Inclusive packages at the Sonesta Maho Beach Resort & Casino have you covered!

All Inclusive Package Rates (rates do not include airfare):
-Single Occupancy = $1220 or $1100 w/B-Discount
-Double Occupancy = $790 or $675 w/B-Discount
-Triple Occupancy = $725 or $615 w/B-Discount

- All Meals & Drinks

- Good Life Spa
, offering a wide range of beauty and body treatments and rejuvenating therapies, including spa packages

- Fitness Center, featuring state-of-the-art cardiovascular workout and weight training equipment

- Casino Royale, the island’s largest casino, featuring a live band, 400 slot machines, numerous table games and a private “high-roller” area (Plus, complimentary $20 Match Play Coupon)

- Maho Plaza is a shopper’s paradise with more than 40 fashionable shops and upscale boutiques, interspersed with a blend of 7 fine international restaurants.

- Q-Club, where you can dance the night away inside the island’s most pulsating, two story discotheque.

- Activities Desk to arrange leisure activities including golf, horseback riding, boating, water-sports and island excursions.

- 2 Freshwater swimming pools complete with sundeck lounge chairs overlooking the ocean. One with a swim up bar and the other more secluded.

- 4 Tennis courts, all-weather

- And so much more!

Activities Package Rates (mandatory):
Premium Package = $290 or $250 w/ B-Discount
Basic Package = $190 or $150 w/B-Discount
- The JI Group Good Life Official Festival Commencement Party at Bliss Outdoor Night

- Club by the beach

- The JI Group Good Life Festival Signature “White, Sandals & Stilettos” Mansion Party

- The Good Life Festival Concert at Carnival Village

- The JI Group Good Life Festival Enrichment Series for Young Professionals

- "Battle of the Sexes" on the Beach Party at Kon Tiki Restaurant French Side of the Island

- Sweet Escape All-Day Getaway to St. Bart's (Premium package only)

The B-Discount is being offered
exclusively through The B-Life for a limited time and is subject to change. Reserve your spot today. Contact us here for payment instructions. Email all inquiries directly to The B-Life. If you are interested in booking a "room-only", contact us directly.

For guaranteed B-Discount rates, reserve your spot by
Wednesday Feb. 27th

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So long, and thanks for all the Help!

I'm saddened to have to do this yet again, but today we're saying our collective goodbyes to Graham Waldon, one of the longest-serving members of the Blogger team at Google. I was fortunate enough to have interviewed Graham before he joined us back in 2003, and after a few minutes of chatting I immediately knew he was our guy.

Over the years Graham’s provided amazingly patient and exemplary service to Blogger’s users, and set an impossibly high bar with his work — from constantly improving Blogger’s Help site, to personally answering countless help emails, to digging up fantastic Blogs of Note, to training new members of the Support team. He’s even moonlighted a bit, helping the Reader team with their support efforts!

Best of luck, Graham — it looks like you’ll be keeping plenty busy during the coming months, but be sure to swing by for lunch every now and then. ;)

- Eric and the rest of the Blogger team

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