
B in Harlem (on 125th) to Celebrate MJ

The Michael Jackson Mourning/Celebration continued in Uptown NYC...the crowd grew throughout the day in front of, around, and near the Apollo Theatre on 125th St.
A few pics below.

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House Reject Disbursement of Funds to Buy Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)

Merhav Corp. Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)
Indonesian House of Representatives plans to reject funding the purchase of Israeli made Primary Defense Weapon System / Alutsista. Previously, the Government of Indonesia through Indonesian Armed Forces Headquarter / Mabes TNI has signed a purchase of three-unit Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) with the Kittal Corporation is based in the Philippines through an agent in Indonesia.

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle mentioned as an aircraft that could operated without crew inside it, this aircraft is made by Merhav Corp. of Israel which is worth 16 million U.S. dollars. Unmanned Aerial Vehicle is an aerial vehicle that does not require a human operator and can fly independently or be operated remotely, is either recoverable or expendable, and is capable of carrying a lethal or nonlethal payload.

"Planes are positively made of Israel, in which Indonesia does not have any diplomatic relations with the country. So, signing the purchase must be canceled with the way the House of Representatives does not give advance approval of 15 percent disbursement," said member of the House of Representatives Commission I from the Prosperous Justice Party , Mutammimul Ula, in Jakarta, Wednesday (1 / 7).

If the purchase is forwarded, according to Mutammimul Ula, the government against its own policy which states that Israel is a colonialist state.

As an additional information, Israel was the first nation to make significant use of unmanned reconnaissance drones in combat during operations in Lebanon in 1982. The United States forces began full deployment and use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and related technology in the 1990s and UAVs—especially the Predator and Global Hawk—were extensively used by U.S. forces during Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan and Operation Iraqi Freedom.

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Medco Launches Smart Bus For Technology Education

PT Medco E & P Indonesia Rimau Asset launches smart bus for the village community and socialization of the upstream oil and gas activities in Medco Rimau Asset areas Musibanyuasin and Banyuasin Regencies, South Sumatra.

According to Zaid Talib, PT Medco Rimau Asset spokesperson, on Tuesday (30 / 6), the vehicle is equipped with three units of computer laptop with free internet network facility which hopefully can help to increase communities technology education.

In addition, people can enjoy the entertainment technology integration in the bus because inside the bus is available 32-inch television, DVD player, Infocus, audio visual and digital microscope for the observation of things that attract visitors.

"The Bus are also equipped with science book of elementary school education and high school education for all of the students, including education DVD," he said.

With the computer provided in the bus, Zaid said, school children around the Rimau Asset operational area can know more about technology and learning how to operate computers and internet.

In the meantime, this smart car will only operates in two areas of Rimau Asset, but not likely to cover the other operational area of PT Medco E & P, such as SSE block, in the Muara Enim and Musirawas and LEMATANG block in the Muara Enim regency.

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What Is Google Adsense? Introduction To Pay Per Click (PPC) Program

Nowadays, Google Adsense become the most popular Pay Per Click (PPC) advertisement program for websites owners or bloggers to earn additional incomes from their sites or blogs. People who joint Adsense program and put the Adsense ads on their blogs or sites usually called as Adsense Publishers. Google Adsense Publishers places Google Advertisements on their sites or blogs and they earn revenue from commissions shared by Google.

Google Adsense Publishers will be able to place Google ads on their sites and blogs by put some html code provided by Google. And the ads will appears on where the codes placed before. The ads will automatically appears related to the site contents. When someone (Visitors) clicks on these ads then site owners earn money from these clicks. The program is known as PPC (Pay Per Click). Anyone who owns his own site or blog can join Google Adsense and make a lot of revenue.

Many website and bolg owners using Google Adsense for contents and making up to five or six figure monthly income. An average site with quality contents can easily make $3000 to $10000 monthly from Google Adsence. In Adsense cases, the quality contents are king of the game.

If you have a website or blog you can apply for Google AdSense account and if your blog accepted, then Google will open your new account on their system and assign a unique publisher code to you. You can copy Adsense code from your account and paste it into your web pages. You can simply add this JavaScript code into the HTML of your webpage.

When a visitor see our Google Adsense Ads related to our blog's contents appear on the page, and they click on the ads, Google charge the advertiser with amount of money, and than shares the revenue with us. This system automatically work so if you have a content rich website or blog and lots of people visit you site or blog and you want to make extra money, AdSense is something you should seriously consider. It is an excellent opportunity to make money on the internet.

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Jasminum has medicinal uses

Jasminum, or Jasmine as it is better known is an evergreen shrub. It is a vigorous deciduous twining climber with green stems and pinnate leaves.

Medicinal parts used include leaves and flowers.

It is a bitter astringent cooling herb that calms the nerves, checks bleeding, and stimulates the uterus. It is regarded as an aphrodisiac for women. It is reputedly effective against various cancers, especially Hodgkin’s disease and cancers of the bone, lymph nodes, and breast.

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recipe for low-tech fun

1. Take down kids' playhouse that has been up for almost a decade.

2. Leave dogs unsupervised in back yard.

3. Set two six year old boys up with sprinkler and water slide.

4. Leave six year old boys unsupervised for two minutes.

5. Find small lake filling hole previously dug by dogs.

6. Consider becoming annoyed but remember how much fun you had playing in the mud as a kid.

7. Sit and knit while boys dip their hands in the water.

8. Watch as boys wade into mud hole.

9. Listen to imagination game as boys run mud through their fingers.

10. Observe the inevitability of mud in fingers leading to mud covering bodies and faces.

11. Intervene only when mud is being flung against the house.

12. Watch boys rinse mud off house.

13. Interrupt game only when it is time to leave.

14. Ignore pleas for five more minutes.

15. Hose boys down.

16. Drop one boy off at home.

17. Apologize for mud encrusted in ears and other places.

18. Smile every time you think of those two boys covered in mud.

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Losing Sixty Pounds After Pregnancy

Andrea weighed 207 pounds eight months ago after the birth of her second child. Today she weighs 145 pounds. She's tall, at 5'10".

She was motivated to lose the weight by wanting to enter a beauty contest for Mrs. West Virginia. She's worked out every day since October and has kept to a strict diet. She's been able to work out even though she works as a nurse and has two kids under the age of 2 at home. Check out her story and some larger pics here.

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B Loved: Taboon Restaurant

773 Tneth Ave. (at 52nd St.), NYC

There's something to be said to keeping a hidden treasure...well, hidden. The selfishness has come to an end, and I've held out long enough. Revealing (drum roll)...Taboon. An old apartment near Hell's Kitchen led to an exploration of everything west of the A/C line. One of the best discoveries to date was Taboon. Coined as "Middleterranean" cuisine, with a special mastery of cooking meats to perfection, with simply pleasing, yet complex spices.

My best kept secret is also known for their Taboon baked bread - their house focaccia, drizzled with olive oil, and other goodness. It used to be served in unlimited supply, but the restaurant pulled back to 1 loaf per table once they discovered that patrons could indulge on this bread and wine alone until closing hour. Bottom line - this tasty bread sets the tone for brilliant things to come. Check it out for yourself!

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Indonesian Street Children Organization (ISCO) Targeted To Help 200,000 Poor Children

Indonesian Street Children Organization (ISCO Foundation) targeted to help 200,000 poor children in the period of next ten years. According to ISCO Foundation, at this time there were 2000 children have been assisted by this social foundation.

ISCO provides free education on an ongoing basis to the unfortunate children who live in slums area in Jakarta, Surabaya (East Java), and Medan (North Sumatra).

"From the beginning our commitment is want to realize dreams of these poor children to obtain a decent education rights," said Josef Fuchs, the founder of ISCO Foundation in Jakarta.

In the 10th ISCO's anniversary, Josef Fuchs said, in July 17 the foundation will brings on 800 less fortunate children in Jakarta to exults in Taman Mini Indonesia Indah, with various games and educative race, and will be attended by a number of education figures.

To financing education need of the children, ISCO is assisted by various parties, ranging from coorporation donors such as Carrefour, PT Hutchison CP Telecommunication, HESS Indonesia, and the Indonesian government.

"We hope the support will be more powerful in next 10 years, and to help 200,000 children," added Ramida Siringo-Ringo, Executive Director of ISCO Foundation.

The Foundation was established on the initiative of Pascal Lalanne and Josef Fuchs since May 1999. Starting from the two areas in Cipinang Besar Selatan, Manggarai and started with only 60 children. ISCO is currently embosom 2000 children from 26 slums areas in three provinces. Value of this education assistance reach Rp. 1 million per child each year.

ISCO's vision and mission, Ramida said, such as providing equal opportunities for all children to get their basic educations, develop their characters, to be the same as other children, have the expectations of the future, and prevents marginalized Indonesian children become street children or child labor.

Visit ISCO Website Here

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Google SEO Starter Guide Ebook Now Available In Indonesian

Google SEO Starter Guide Ebook Now Available In Indonesian
Google has announced that Google Search Engine Optimization Starter Guide Ebook (Google SEO Starter Guide) now available in 40 languages, and Indonesian or Bahasa Indonesia also included inside the list. This Google SEO Starter Guide Ebook will reveal issues about interests of 98% internet users.

Many tips and tricks that will be revealed in detail in this Ebook, from the use of meta tags, the use of robots.txt, keyword optimization, the use of the best title tag form according to Google, and optimizing the use of images to be more SEO Friendly.

And this one is quoted from one of the Google's Quality Team Members, Brandon Falls:

"We hope that webmasters around the world can use the guide to improve their sites' crawlability and indexing in search engines," says Brandon Falls of Google's Search Quality Team.

Google Starter Guide Ebook is neatly structured guidance that contains the best practices according to Google as the biggest search engine. This Ebook can be used by Webmaster and Blogger to optimize their sites or blogs so can be indexed so well.

Actually, the launchs of Google's starter guide have been announced on last november 2008, focusing on areas such as Title and meta tags description, URL structure, site navigation, content creation, anchor text etc..

You can download the Google Search Engine Optimization Starter Guide Ebook here:

Google Webmaster Central Blog

Or if you want to directly download the Indonesian version, you can download it here:

Ebook Panduan SEO Google Untuk Pemula

Use this Ebook to help the Webmasters and Bloggers to optimize their site so could be indexed in Google more quickly. And if you feel that the ranking of your site or blogs now is not as good as you expect, this Google Starter Guide Ebook can be used as a valuable handbook

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LDL Calculator

Commenter Kiwi Geoff kindly wrote a program that calculates LDL using the Friedewald equation and the equation from this paper, which may be more accurate for people with a total cholesterol over 250 and triglycerides under 100. For people whose triglycerides are over 100, the Friedewald equation should be relatively accurate. You can plug your total cholesterol, HDL and triglycerides into the program (in mg/dL), and it gives you both LDL values side-by side. Here it is:

LDL Cholesterol Calculator

Thanks, Geoff.

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Water Key Element In Mideast Peace

Water Key Element In Mideast Peace


'Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said Israel must address the vital issue of water in the West Bank if meaningful peace talks are to take place. Israel's leaders said nothing, but Abbas had touched on one of the most sensitive issues in the seemingly endless negotiations, which have been in abeyance for the last few years, and one on which any expectation of a comprehensive settlement will probably ultimately rest.Israel's unilateral control over rivers and aquifers meant scarce water resources were not being shared equitably "as required by international law," he declared. "It is with dismay that I see 9,000 Israeli settlers in the Jordan Valley utilize one-quarter of the water that the entire Palestinian population in the West Bank utilizes," he told the World War Forum in Istanbul.

In the largely arid Middle East, water is more valuable than oil and has been a source of conflict since time immemorial. As the world's resources, from oil to timber and minerals, dwindle, the prospect of more water wars in the Middle East in the decades ahead increase with each passing day. The crisis is deepened by rapidly expanding populations across the Arab world. This, coupled with industrial growth and a relentless drive for food self-sufficiency, is draining water supplies faster than they can be replenished. Global warming accelerates the damage.

Climate experts warn that one-third of the Earth's surface may be at risk of extreme drought by the end of the century, triggering mass migrations of "environmental refugees." Many of those will be in the Middle East and North Africa. The region has been hit by a severe drought for the last five years, making the water issue all that more critical, aggravating a dispute between the Israelis, whose own water resources are dwindling, and the Palestinians, who sit on a major aquifer under the West Bank that Israel covets as much as its ever-expanding archipelago of settlements.Israel views the water from the West Bank -- as it did the water it siphoned off from the Litani River in Lebanon during its 1978-2000 occupation of that country's southern zone -- as vital to its national security. The Palestinians will not be able to sustain a viable independent state without water.
How hard is this for Israel or any oher country to understand? Water is the lynchpin to peace.

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Large Dead Zone Predicted For Gulf Of Mexico This Summer

Large Dead Zone Predicted For Gulf Of Mexico This Summer


'A team of NOAA-supported scientists from the Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium, Louisiana State University, and the University of Michigan is forecasting that the "dead zone" off the coast of Louisiana and Texas in the Gulf of Mexico this summer could be one of the largest on record.
The dead zone is an area in the Gulf of Mexico where seasonal oxygen levels drop too low to support most life in bottom and near-bottom waters.

Scientists are predicting the area could measure between 7,450 and 8,456 square miles, or an area roughly the size of New Jersey. However, additional flooding of the Mississippi River since May may result in a larger dead zone. The largest one on record occurred in 2002, measuring 8,484 square miles.

Dead zones are caused by nutrient runoff, principally from agricultural activity, which stimulates an overgrowth of algae that sinks, decomposes, and consumes most of the life-giving oxygen supply in the water.

The dead zone size was predicted after researchers observed large amounts of nitrogen feeding into the Gulf from the Mississippi and Atchafalaya Rivers. The rivers experienced heavy water flows in April and May that were 11 percent above average.

"The high water volume flows coupled with nearly triple the nitrogen concentrations in these rivers over the past 50 years from human activities has led to a dramatic increase in the size of the dead zone," said Gene Turner, Ph.D., a lead forecast modeler from Louisiana State University.

This forecast helps coastal managers, policy makers, and the public better understand and combat the sources of the dead zones. For example, the models that generate this forecast have been used to determine nutrient reduction targets required to reduce the size of the dead zone.

This hypoxic, or low-to-no oxygen area, is of particular concern because it threatens valuable commercial and recreational Gulf fisheries by destroying critical habitat."

End of excerpt
It isn't enough that we are killing the land and air with toxic waste and poisoning our food with an overuse of pesticides and herbicides... we are now literally sucking the life out of our water. Hypoxia is the phenomenon we now see in the Gulf Of Mexico, which is a lack of oxugen in the water whicha lso effects marinlife and which also effects many bodies of water worldwide.

And we, humans, are doing it. In our zeal to make lots of money that we think we can actually enjoy in a poisoned world where our health and the sustainability of our planet is threatened, we have lost touch with our true purpose as stewards of this planet. Pesticides, herbicides, CAFOS, climate change, and the relentless lobbying of the brokers of these poisons to politicians are all part of the vicious circle we now are part of.

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Turkey Boosts Iraq Water Supplies

Update to previous report: Turkey Blamed For Looming Crop Disaster

Turkey Boosts Iraq Water Supplies

Somewhat good news considering the drought Iraq is currently in. Although, considering they are also growing Monsanto seeds, I don't know how truly prosperous Iraqi farmers will be now.

See here:

Mutant Seeds For Mesopotamia

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Combining the EndoBarrier Gastrointestinal Liner with a new EndoBarrier Flow Restrictor nearly doubling the amount of weight loss

The results were presented today at the 26th annual meeting of the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS). The most common side effects included mild to moderate abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. "These results are unparalleled for a non-surgical treatment for obesity," stated Alex Escalona, M.D., Department of Digestive Surgery, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile and lead investigator for the pilot study.

"Like the United States, Chile is struggling with a growing epidemic of obesity and related metabolic disorders and life-threatening conditions. Traditionally, non-surgical treatment approaches have proven insufficient for the morbidly obese, but these data suggest we may have an effective new option to offer these patients.

We Cook the Food, You Lose the Weight

Read more on: Medical News Today

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The Law of Karma

When I was a little girl (waaaaaay back in the early ‘70s), I watched “The Doris Day Show” and Doris sang the theme song “Que Sera, Sera” in such a breezy, lilting way that I believed every word of it:

When I was just a little girlI asked my mother, what will I beWill I be pretty, will I be richHere's what she said to me.Que Sera, Sera,Whatever will be, will beThe future's not ours, to seeQue Sera, SeraWhat will be, will be.

Life was destiny and fate and a big jar of peanut butter. But as I got older, particularly since I turned 40 almost six years ago, I began to understand that there’s a lot about life I am responsible for, separate from “que sera, sera,” the things I cannot change or prevent.

The word “karma” is often (mis)understood in our culture as “what goes around, comes around,” and we hear it most often used to explain someone’s ill fate or as future punishment for wrong doing, a “karma’s gonna bite him in the ass” kind of thing.

But karma isn’t schadenfreude, which means to delight in another's misfortune, nor should it be seen as destiny or fate. Karma isn’t positive or negative. It doesn’t have a conscience or the mind of a deity. We create it. To an extent it is “what goes around, comes around,” but it’s so much more.

I had a helluva time last week dealing with things within my control and things outside my control. So it was like a drink of water in the desert (or “fate,” perhaps?) that I read this teaching by Buddhist nun Pema Chodron:

“According to the law of karma, every action has a result. If you stay in bed all day with the covers over your head, if you overeat for the millionth time in your life, if you get drunk, if you get stoned, you know that’s going to depress you and make you more discouraged, if it’s just this habitual thing that you think is going to make you feel better. The older you get, the more you know how it just makes you feel more wretched. The law of karma says, ‘Well, how do you want to feel tomorrow, next week, next year, five years from now, ten years from now?’”

Now here’s the kicker:

It’s up to you how to use your life. It doesn’t mean you have to be the best one at cheering up, or that your habitual tendencies never get the better of you. It just has to do with this sense of reminding yourself. The law of karma is that we sow the seeds and reap the fruit…So when you find yourself in a dark place where you’ve been countless, countless times, you can think, ‘Maybe it’s time to get a little golden spade and dig myself out of this place.’”

So I found my little spade (it’s in the garage next to my bound-and-gagged fat chick and Negative Nelly) and dug in the ground until I could say again for the MILLIONTH time, “I’m the one, ME, Lynn Haraldson-Bering, who controls what goes in my mouth, how I move my legs and arms, and what I see in the mirror. I’m the only one who can either allow what someone else says to turn me upside down or to see that their words are their truth, not mine, and to see the beauty in differing points of view.”

Guaranteed there will be a next time and a next time and a 2,000,000th time that I’ll have to find that spade and dig myself out of that space. But each time I do, it gets a little easier.

If there’s one thing the deaths of Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson can teach us it’s that we don’t know if we’ll be here tomorrow. So as long as we’re here, we can use the time to made amends with our bodies – to learn and to grow and to heal, to NOT put that food in our mouths and to GET on that treadmill or elliptical, and to LOOK in the mirror and SEE beauty simply because we are who we are with all of our stretch marks and flab, because there is also lovely skin and cute freckles and sparkly eyes and a good hair day once in awhile.

“Que sera, sera” only works for things beyond our control. To help me remember this, I bought a piece of wood carved with the saying “What will be is up to me” and I keep it on the shelf in my office that holds other important reminders: photos of my children and grandchildren, and a card from my husband that says, “Do you know what I love most about us? You.”

Today I choose to stay present and to stay on course for where I want to be tomorrow, five years from now and ten years from now. Today I will remember the rule of karma.

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Five Of The Nine British Embassy Staff In Iran Finally Released

The Iranian officials said they had been releases five of the nine detained staff of British embassy who arrested on accusations of stoking post-election unrest, a move that further threatened tense ties with London and the West.

AFP reported this announcement came as Iran's top election board started their partial recount of the fiercely-disputed presidential election, after demonstrators from the opposition parties defiantly faced off against riot police in Tehran.

Hassan Ghashghavi foreign ministry spokesman said that "Out of nine people arrested, five have been released."

Iran has repeatedly accused Britain and the United States of "meddling" in the violent aftermath of their presidential election, which then triggered the biggest crisis since the Islamic revolution 30 years ago.

But even as the international community voices continuing alarm over the situation in Iran, Ghashghavi said Tehran no plans to close embassies or downgrade diplomatic ties with foreign nations.

The Fars news agency, announcing the arrests on Sunday, said the embassy staff had played a "considerable role" in the unrest that swept Iran after the disputed re-election of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on June 12.

Intelligence Minister Gholam Hossein Mohseni Ejeie accused the embassy of sending local staff "undercover among rioters in order to push its own agenda," the official IRNA news agency reported.

British Foreign Secretary David Miliband said London had protested strongly over the arrests, which he described as "harassment and intimidation" and dismissed as baseless claims the embassy was behind the unrest.

EU nations also vowed to respond to any harassment of diplomats in Iran with a "strong and collective response", Miliband told reporters at an EU foreign ministers' meeting in Corfu.

But Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki -- who has previously said Tehran was considering downgrading its ties with London after the two nations expelled diplomats -- urged Britain and the EU not to take rash action over the arrests.

"Don't continue with this losing game because this is neither in the interests of the British people nor the two countries' relations that have (already) been damaged because of the British government's behaviour," he said.

Against the backdrop of diplomatic tensions, Iran began a partial recount of ballots cast in the election that the opposition claims was marred by widespread irregularities and fraud.

"The Guardians Council has started a partial recount of 10 percent of the ballot boxes," state-owned Arabic-language television Al-Alam said.

The opposition is demanding a complete rerun of the vote and has staged massive demonstrations in a dispute that has shaken the very foundations of the Islamic regime.

On Sunday, riot police in Tehran dispersed about 3,000 supporters of Ahmadinejad's strongest rival Mir Hussein Mousavi who defied a ban on public gatherings, witnesses said.

A witness spoke of a "minor confrontation" between police and the demonstrators who had gathered around Ghoba mosque to mark the anniversary of a prominent cleric killed in a bombing 28 years ago.

The information could not be independently verified as foreign media are banned from the streets under tough new restrictions imposed by the authorities in the wake of the election.

The Guardians Council, an unelected body of 12 jurists and clerics, has set up a committee to conduct the recount but Mousavi and fellow defeated candidate Mehdi Karroubi rejected the panel and declined to send any representatives to oversee the count.

Karroubi, a reformist former parliament speaker, insisted in a letter to the council on Sunday that a partial recount was "not enough" and called for an independent body to probe "all aspects of the election."

Mousavi, who was prime minister in the post-revolution years, won 34 percent of the vote against 63 percent for Ahmadinejad, a gap of 11 million votes, according to official results. Karroubi came a distant fourth with less than one percent.

The Paris-based International Federation for Human Rights said on Sunday that more than 2,000 people are still in detention and hundreds more are missing across Iran since a government crackdown on protesters and opposition supporters.

Since the election at least 17 people have been also killed and many more wounded in clashes with security forces, according to state media.

Among those arrested are reformists, journalists and analysts, including supporters of Mousavi and even some figures closed to top officials, in a sign of cracks appearing within the regime over the election.

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B Linked...

Click here for coverage of the 2009 BET Awards on The YBF.

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B quoted...Michael Jackson

“I wake up from dreams and go "Wow, put this down on paper." The whole thing is strange. You hear the words, everything is right there in front of your face . . .” ~ Michael Jackson (August 29, 1958 - June 25, 2009)

Thank you Michael.

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The easy way to detox your life.

Get rid of illness and never feel under the weather again by boosting your immune system, and detoxing your life.
Many of us seem to be getting more colds and illnesses. They hang on for much longer, and then we catch something else because our immune systems have been weakened, due to the fact that they have just been fighting an illness. And so the loop continues.
There are many things you can do to strengthen your body's immunity.
Kombucha is a recently rediscovered mushroom beverage, which has been known for centuries in Asia and used as a reviving drink.
The tea has antibiotic, antibacterial and antiviral properties and purifies the body by binding to toxins and promoting their excretion. It contains digestive enzymes and valuable lactobacilli which improve metabolism, also several of the B vitamins and glucoronic acid, a liver detoxifier. Kombucha cleanses the liver and kidneys, creating several health benefits such as increasing energy levels, digestion, improving skin conditions, and promoting a feeling of well-being. Ready made Kombucha tea is now available in many health food shops. Please note diabetics should avoid Kombucha.
Many people have reported amazing improvements in a range of chronic conditions, from psoriasis, constipation, fatigue, thyroid deficiency, hair loss and brittle nails.

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Another Fatty Liver Reversal

Just to show it wasn't a fluke, reader "Steve" replicates the experiment:

I had a similar problem as what Sam described, and it just happened to coincide with my discovery of and commitment to a new eating plan (based on low/good carb, high in good fat and omega 3, and good protein--basically a mix of paleo, primal, low carb, whatever they call it). I consider myself lucky to have had great fortune in my timing of finding out about my fatty liver.

My ALT and AST [markers of liver damage] had been at 124 and 43 respectively, and then still at 80 and 30 in a follow up a few months later. I weighed in at about 205 (I'm 6'1.5" on a slimmish frame), which was my heaviest. I had been on a basic American (bad) diet. The whole thing shocked me, especially after a CT with contrast showed the fatty deposits on my liver (and prior to that, when the muddy ultrasound revealed a fatty liver and a possible pancreatic mass, later ruled out by the CT). Like Sam, though I was surely overweight, I was not fat or heavy. (Most people have noticed I look leaner, but are shocked when I disclose how much weight I have lost since they say "I cannot believe you had that much to lose.")

At about the same time I found out about my liver issue, I had been getting into reading about diet and health (something I had done once when I read the Zone stuff from Sears many years ago). I practically dove through Taubes, Eades, Cordain, and a bunch of blogs (including yours), and I made a commitment to fix my problem.

I started a pretty severe regimen at first, which included only protein and good fats with a minimal amount of non-starchy fruits and vegetables. Almost immediately, I started losing weight and body fat (as measured by an electrical impedance scale). I have always supplemented with fish oil, but I added krill oil and I also started eating grass-fed beef and pastured eggs and pastured pork as much as possible. I have added some coconut oil and pastured butter to my diet as well. I have dropped almost 40 pounds, I am down to about 10-11% body fat (from 24%), and my ALT/AST on my last test was 24/14 [normal]. I am getting another test soon, and I expect similar results.
And a later comment:
I can add to the story that I first found out about the fatty liver on a routine new patient blood screening when I moved to a new town. I can also add that it took a bit of initiative on my part to get to the right diagnosis. The first doctor suspected hepatitis, but when blood work ruled that out, he ordered the imagining tests. Once I was referred to a GI specialist, it was a quick diagnosis. Still, I had to undertake myself to figure out the best diet. The GI recommended eliminating white bread, rice, pasta, starches, etc. but also recommended lowering fat intake. Having done some of my reading on diet and health, I knew to follow the former advice and to modify the latter to be "get plenty of fat, but make sure its the right kind."
Steve took the initiative and fixed his damaged liver. He modified his GI doctor's advice based on what he had read about nutrition, with excellent results. I suspect his doctor will be all ears next time Steve comes into his office.

The liver is a remarkable organ. Besides being your "metabolic grand central station", it's the only organ in the human body that can regenerate almost completely. It can be 75% obliterated, and it will grow back over time. Fatty liver and NASH are largely reversible.

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Chris John Achieves The Super Champions Title From The World Boxing Association (WBA)

Chris John, a World Featherweight Champion achieves the Super Champions title from the World Boxing Association (WBA)
Chris John, a World Featherweight Champion from Indonesia, finally achieves the Super Champions title from the World Boxing Association (WBA) as successfully maintain his titles for 10 times without dropping out.

Chris John when contacted by journalist on Sunday, said the title is received Saturday (27 / 6) at 18:30 local time at the Staples Center Los Angeles United States.

According to him, the title is given directly by the WBA president, Gilberto Mendoza Jr. witnessed by Ministry Secretary from Ministry of Youth And Sports and hundreds of Indonesian citizens in Los Angeles.

Super Champions title necessarily should be given to him at the WBA convention Cartegana, Colombia, 29 March to 2 April 2009 and at that time Chris John acts as guest of honor. But it was canceled and the delegation of the WBA plans to give the title while Chris John be in Los Angeles for preparation of the rematch against Rocky Juarez.

Indonesian Boxer with nickname "The Dragon" got his Super Champions title after successfully defend the title in 10 times without dropping out of contention. The tenth fight in order to maintain that titles was when up against Japanese fighter Hiroyuki Enokidi Tokyo Japan, 24 October 2008.

But until now this husband of former wushu athlete from Central Java Anna Maria Megawati is already 11 times maintaining his titles and he only got a draw (tie) result at his last time fighting against Juarez at Toyota Center in Houston, Texas, 28 February 2009.

From 11 attempts to defend the title, five of them through mandatory fight, firstly against Jose Cheo Rojas from Venezuela, then against Mexican Juan Manuel Marquez, Derrick Gainner (United States), Roinet Caballero (Panama), and Hiroyuki Enoki (Japan).

And then six times through the choice fights against Jose Cheo Rojas from Venezuela, Tommy Brouwn (Australia), Osamu Sato and Zaiki Takemoto (Japan), Renant Acosta (Colombia), and last against Rocky Juarez from United States.

In fact at that time Chris John is scheduled to fight against Rocky Juarez on a rematch, but eventually postponed because John experienced respiratory interference problems or oxygen toxicity syndrome (oxygen intoxication).

Chris John experienced Respiratory disturbances during fifth round of his sparring in United States and at sixth round it has to be stopped by his coach to avoid more serious injuries.

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Government Halts BlackBerry Newest Products Sales

Government Halts RIM's BlackBerry Smartphones Newest Products Sales
Indonesian Government will temporarily stop the trades of BlackBerry Smartphones new types, which planed will be starts to distribute in June 2009. The decision made because until now the BlackBerry's factory is not opened yet their After Sales Services offices in Indonesia.

This termination of trading will be made by does not issuing licences and certifications by the Department of Communication and Information.

According to the Head of Public Relations and Information Center of Ministry of Communication and Information Gatot S. Dewa Broto, By not issuing the permission of certification, the new BlackBerry products can not be marketed. For BlackBerry products that has been entered to Indonesia and circulating in the market since early of June, still allowed for sale.

"If the certificate does not come out, the Directorate General of Customs will hold BlackBerry imports that enter the port," Gatot said. "If there are new types of BlackBerry that circulating in the market, the product is illegal."

According to Gatot, certification application of BlackBerry has been stopped by the department since May and applications from some importers which are not affiliated with the RIM since last week.

Gatot added that his side will once again provide certification after RIM - BlackBerry smartphone manufacturer from Canada - opening their After Sales Services office in Indonesia.

Since marketed in Indonesia one year ago until now, Gatot explained, RIM is not opened yet any of their After Sales service offices here. Meanwhile the product has been sold since 2008 to about 300 thousand units, and until the end of the year estimated to be 1 million units.

Juru bicara RIM Asia Pasifik di Hong Kong, Katie Lee, hanya mengatakan, "Kami sedang bekerja sama dengan pemerintah Indonesia untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pasar BlackBerry di Indonesia," kata Lee singkat melalui pesan pendek.

RIM's spokesperson for the Asia Pacific region in Hong Kong, Katie Lee, only said, "We are cooperating with the Indonesian government to meet the needs of the BlackBerry's market in Indonesia."

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The poor are less likely to undergo weight loss surgery

White women with higher incomes and private health insurance were the most likely to have the surgery, according to a study to be presented Wednesday at the American Society for Metabolic & Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS) annual meeting, in Dallas.
Using data from the 2006 Nationwide Inpatient Sample, sponsored by the U.S. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, researchers identified 88,000 morbidly obese adults who had bariatric surgery in the United States in 2006.

Of those, 81 percent were women, 75 percent were white, 80 percent had incomes at least two times the poverty level and 82 percent had private health insurance.

Read more on: Medline Plus

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North Korea Threatens To Shoot Down Japanese Airplanes

North Korea Nuclear Test Ballistic Missiles
North Korea threatens to shoot down any Japanese aircraft which entered North Korea territories. And at the same time, North Korea also accuses Japan has conducted espionage and has been tout their country since the beginning of last week.

"North Korean People's Army (KPA) in a report made by Yonhap news agency says, "An E-767 aircraft have conducted flights over the waters of North Korea on the eastern of Wonsan to the top of the water in the eastern of Musudan region after departed from the Japan's Air base at around 8:30 AM on 25 June."

Musudan is a location used by North Korea during a long-range missile launch in April. At that time the North Korean claimed that the missile launch is meant to place their satellites in earth orbit. However, neighboring countries of North Korea believes that the launch has been disguised to test their ballistic missile.

Reports from Korean People's Army (KPA) said that a Japanese surveillance aircraft have also conducted a reconnaissance mission on their air space on Wednesday.

"Air forces from the Korean People's Army will not tolerate any act of espionage carried out by Japanese troops, and without forgiveness they will directly shoots down any planes that infiltrate into air territorial of North Korea even though it is only as far as 0.001 mm," the report said.

North Korea is believed currently preparing to launch a pilot project for long-range missile launch from the east coast of their territory as a follow-up of nuclear testing on 25 mei ago.

This Communist country has been condemned by the UN and other countries in the world on missiles and nuclear tests, but Pyongyang appears to be continually increasing tensions by declares their threats to strengthen their nuclear weapons.

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May they rest in peace

David Carradine - an actor who earned cult status in the 70's television series “Kung Fu”.
He regained the limelight through Quentin Tarantino's Kill Bill movies where he played the enigmatic killer 'Bill'. David was found dead on June 4; he was 72.

Michael Jackson - was the most iconic stars of my generation. He had led a troubled life and was sadly misunderstood. However no one can deny his genius. The internet made Michael's death global within in minutes of the news. Michael died from a heart attack on June 26; he was 50.

Farrah Fawcett - played Jill Munroe, one of three fearsome female private investigators on the 1970's TV show "Charlie's Angels". Farrah died of cancer on June 25; she was 62.

Ed McMahon - was Johnny Carson’s sidekick on “The Tonight Show,” introducing it with his ringing trademark line, “Heeeeere’s Johnny!”. Ed died June 23; he was 86.

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When Friedewald Attacks

I don't get very excited about nitpicking blood lipids. That's not to say they're not useful. There's definitely an association between blood lipids and certain health outcomes such as cardiovascular disease. The thing that tires me is when people uncritically interpret those associations as evidence that lipids are actually causing the problem.

Low-density lipoprotein, or LDL, is the cholesterol fraction that typically gets the most attention. High LDL associates with heart attack risk in Americans and some other groups. Statins reduce LDL and reduce heart attack risk in a subset of the population, and this has been used to support the idea that elevated LDL causes heart attacks. This is despite the fact that lowering LDL via diet doesn't seem to reduce heart attack risk (typically by reducing total fat and/or saturated fat). Statins may in fact work because they're anti-inflammatory, rather than because they reduce LDL. But both explanations are speculative at this point.

The fact remains that if you want to know if Mr. Jones is going to have a heart attack in the next five years, measuring his LDL will give you more information than not measuring his LDL. This association doesn't seem to apply to all cultures or to Americans eating atypical diets. Then you can get into the fractions that associate more tightly with heart attack risk, such as low HDL, high triglycerides, small dense LDL, etc. Triglycerides vary with HDL (that is, when trigs go up, HDL generally goes down) and the ratio also happens to be a predictor of insulin sensitivity. Total cholesterol is virtually useless for predicting heart attack risk in the general population. This is something I'll discuss in more detail at another time.

When you walk into the doctor's office and ask him to measure your cholesterol, the numbers you get back will generally be total cholesterol, LDL, HDL and triglycerides. All of those except LDL are measured directly. LDL is calculated using the Friedewald equation, which is (in mg/dL):

LDL = TC - HDL - (TG/5)
Low-carb advocates have known for quite some time that this equation fails to accurately predict LDL concentration outside certain triglyceride ranges. Dr. Michael Eades put up a post about this recently, and Richard Nikoley has written about it before as well. The reason low-carb advocates know this is that reducing carbohydrate generally reduces triglycerides, often below 100 mg/dL. This is the range at which the Friedewald equation becomes unreliable, resulting in artificially inflated LDL numbers that make you have a heart attack just by reading them.

I had a
lipid panel done a while back, just for kicks. My LDL, calculated by the Friedewald equation, was 131 mg/dL. Over 130 is considered high. Pass the statins! But wait, my triglycerides were 48 mg/dL, which is quite low. I found a paper through Dr. Eades' post that contains an equation for accurately calculating LDL in people whose triglycerides are below 100 mg/dL*. Here it is (mg/dL):
LDL = TC/1.19 + TG/1.9 - HDL/1.1 - 38
I ran my numbers through this equation. My new, accurate calculated LDL? 98 mg/dL. Even the U.S. National Cholesterol Education Panel wouldn't put me on statins with an LDL like that. I managed to shave 33 mg/dL off my LDL in 2 minutes. Isn't math fun?

*This equation was designed for individuals with a total cholesterol over 250 mg/dL.

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Learning (Again) To Just Say "No!"

So I was at Target yesterday with Claire. She was in the cart, pointing at and wanting everything on every shelf. Finally, I dug out a box of raisins from my purse, thinking eating them would keep her happily distracted.

“Claire, do you want some raisins?” I asked and held out the box.

“No!” she replied emphatically (emphasis on emphatic) and pushed my hand away.

'Damn,' I thought. 'I wish food was that easy for me to refuse.'

Back at my daughter’s house, Claire and I sat on the deck and blew bubbles and colored and she put Hello Kitty stickers up and down my arm and on my face. It was getting close to lunchtime so I asked her, “Do you want applesauce?” Claire nodded her head yes.

I loved those summer afternoons when my mom would make my brother and me peanut butter sandwiches, fruit cocktail (making sure each serving had the same number of cherries), and Kool-Aid and we’d eat at the picnic table. Usually we had lunch at the kitchen table and watched Casey Jones and Wonderdog cartoons, which was fun, too, but eating outside was always a treat.

In the spirit of my outdoor childhood lunches, I made Claire a peanut butter sandwich and poured Juicy Juice in her sippy cup. I fed her pieces of sandwich instead of letting her feed herself because: A) she was being a monkey and tipping herself upside down in the chair and laughing; and B) peanut butter is difficult to clean off crayons. What I didn’t do, and am very proud of myself for, is lick the peanut butter off my fingers or take “just a bite” of the white bread/peanutty goodness that I love so much. I forced myself to be content to live with the memories of my outdoor picnics.

I thought my resolve was all “I can handle any food temptation today!” until Cassie came home and brought out the homemade chocolate chip cookies she made on Father’s Day. Oy. They looked so good. I know, I know…food is fun and eating the things we love once in awhile is OK. That’s not where I’m going with this. I’m not opposed to a chocolate chip cookie once in awhile, just not when my food mood is “Go ahead…eat whatever…” I’ve been in this food mood all week and it’s been hell to fight, thanks to what I call the “unholy trinity”: stress, pain and hormones.

I’ve done well, for the most part, but an extra carb here and Hershey Kiss there have found their way into my mouth more than once, and all the determination and positive self-talk wasn’t going to stop them until finally yesterday, I found my “stop” button. It’s always there, I just lose sight of it sometimes.

As I drove home from Pittsburgh, I separated the food mood from the emotional mood and waded through the muck. The unholy trinity is still here today, but remembering for the 1 millionth time that I am in control of what I put in my mouth, I’ve got a cleaner playing field on which to live. My strategy is this: when I think about food and I’m not hungry, I think more deeply and try to pinpoint the source of that desire. What I’ve come up with so far is mostly fear and uncertainty spurred by very specific life events and self-expectations as of late. I put a lot of pressure on myself sometimes and instead of see when I’ve gone too far, I see chocolate chip cookies in my head. Go figure.

So here’s to hoping the next time I hear, “Lynn, do you want to eat ________?” I’ll be like Claire and say, emphatically, “No!”


Best stress reliever ever? Holding Baby Luca.

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Michael Jackson Of The Jackson Five Dead At 50

Michael Jackson, World's Pop Music Icon has died at the age of 50. Michael Jackson who was known as 'King of Pop' died on Thursday afternoon at a hospital in Los Angeles. Debra Opri, a former of Jackson family law adviser, has confirmed the death of Michael Jackson after some media reported that Jacko, other name of Michael Jackson had fallen into a coma.

Jacko reported has been picked up by an ambulance at 12:30 local time. Michael Jackson then taken to UCLA Medical Center, until finally this former of Jackson Five member died at 3:15 pm.

Some reports said that Jacko had gone forever because of cardiac arrest, but an official reports about the exact cause of Michael's death can not yet known. A press conference likely will be held on Thursday local time at the hospital where Michael Jackson died. There, the Michael Jackson's fans will gather to give honor and make some tributes to this all time legend.

Translated From: Indonesia Equal Life

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