
In search of Vikings

So Oslo, how was it??

It was cool - well cold! But not as cold as expected (not yet anyway). It even snowed!!
I have come to the conclusion that most city's are all alike, a few differences here and there but mainly all alike - the big chains such as H&M, McDonalds, Burger King keep popping up where ever I go keeps things slightly familiar.

However the main differences are the culture and the customs - they speak Hurdy Gurdy in Oslo (at least that's how it sounded), very pale and blonde for the most part - they even had a Viking Santa!

Alot of the labels and and signage are just plain funny - SMAK (means taste), FORSKNSPLINTTER (work it out) and FORSKNINGSPARKEN (a train stop) even a FORSKNCENTRE, and many more - i just cant recall them just now!!!! check this one out :-
Sign in a store "Stengt mellom god jul og godt nytt aar." which means "Closed between merry christmas and a happy new year."

They have a great statue of a crying boy, looks to me like he deserves a good smack and sent to bed, spoilt brat - check out the picture.

I went to the Olympic ski jump slope - that is scarily steep, but even scarier is at the very end hiding in the bushes is a huge stone troll!! They have a thing for trolls and who would argue with them their vikings!! They were also hosting the Nobel Peace Prize there when I visited.

My tour guide was a good friend (Altaire) who not only got me drunk but also took me around and told me about the city she also gave me life advice - now that's a tour guide people!!
The trip was quite long but no adventures to speak of, but I had a good time and saw many cool wonderful things, will I return!??! Maybe do the REAL vikings lair next time and go to Sweden!

P.S. they eat Rudolph!! While we are celebrating the fact he helped Santa guide his sleigh and lavish us in gifts these guys are tucking into to him, literally!
Its also a very expensive place to visit!

I also have photos of my trip; which can be found HERE

I can now say thank you in 10 different languages ;) takk!


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