
Bush-Coke-Pepsi Triumvirate Under Fire In India

Bush-Coke-Pepsi Triumvirate Under Fire In India

I posted about Coca Cola's alleged human rights abuses in Columbia, and now India regarding the water shortages in the areas their companies are located in. Now Bush is standing up for these polluters at the expense of human health.

I say, BOYCOTT Coca Cola and Pepsi Cola. They are getting too rich off of poisoning people, taking their water, and addicting our children to their products. The millions of gallons of water they use to produce Coca Cola and Pepsi could go towards peoples' real NEEDS.

So what will Bush do now that the local Indian governments are pushing back for human rights and their freedom of choice? Shock and awe them? If India is a Democracy, why can't the people tell Coke and Pepsi to leave their country? Well, that's because the word Democracy is VERY exclusive, and only applies when Bush's cronies make money off of exploiting natural resources.


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