
News From Water Partners International

In the News

Ambassadors Trip Gives Board, Staff Hands-On Feel for Projects

A delegation of WaterPartners International board and staff traveled to Ethiopia this summer to get a first-hand look at the projects that WaterPartners is supporting.

Partner organizations Water Action and the Relief Society of Tigray hosted the group as they visited project sites in Ginchi, Adigrat and Samre. While the projects varied considerably, depending on the needs of the village, one thing did not—the warm reception from the people of Ethiopia. Cheers of joy from grateful villagers greeted the delegation everywhere they went. The people of Dekera even held a parade for them. Read More.

You can provide safe water to people in Ethiopia and other developing countries by making a gift to WaterPartners International.

WaterPartners Executive Advocates for Micro-Credit at World Water Week

WaterPartners Executive Director Gary White participated in a special debate on August 21st at World Water Week in Stockholm, Sweden.

The topic of the debate, hosted by UN-HABITAT, was “Official Development Assistance vs. Market Based Mechanisms.” White participated on the panel advocating market-oriented solutions and discussed WaterPartners experience in pioneering the WaterCredit InitiativeTM. By making small loans to individuals and communities where credit is not readily available, WaterCredit empowers people to finance their own water solutions on their own timetables. And because the loans are repaid into a revolving fund, it greatly extends the number of people who can be helped per dollar of assistance. Read more.

Support WaterPartners with every page you home or at work

When you buy printer ink and toner supplies from, 5-10 percent of every purchase is donated to WaterPartners. That means that with every page, report, letter, or photo you print, you'll be helping children get access to safe drinking water.


For every cartridge you order on September 13 and 14, an extra 5 percent of the purchase price (10-15 percent total) will be donated to WaterPartners. So now is a good time to stock up your supplies. The selection is massive, the prices are competitive, and shipping is FREE on all orders over $40. Read more.

Postcard From the Field

Sustainability in Action: A Legacy of Successful Projects in Central America

Installing water systems and leaving, something WaterPartners International has been doing proudly for years. Leaving communities with the skills and tools to keep their water systems running. Leaving communities empowered to maintain their systems for years to come. Leaving truly sustainable projects behind.

WaterPartners left the community of San Antonio Valle, a small farming community in rural Honduras, seven years ago, but this wasn’t project abandonment. WaterPartners left this community fully prepared to take care of their system, and this community has done just that, and more. Read More.
Help people obtain safe drinking water by clicking on the Water Partners International icon on this blog. I support this organization because they go where the need for water is greatest, and where the tools to provide that water benefit the world's children. They don't just give water, they give life to people in teaching them what they need to do and in giving them the tools to do it.

Also, I have taken a bit of a rest from posting here, but that is because I am putting together an entry regarding different irrigation methods employed around the world and putting together some of my own thoughts on how we can best tackle this crisis through using irrigation more efficiently. I am also working on a plan to raise money to build pumps in places where they are desperately needed to provide potable water to children. The blog will be back up with postings in a couple of days.



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