
Well that last posting wasn’t true of course!
Dade just found a cool picture he wanted to use!

Though there was a little shark in the pool we got to chase around! In reality though we looked more like this:

It was great fun though! Basically it was a trial dive, to see what it was like and if we liked it, AND WE DID!!

I was (secretly) a little nervous that I wouldn’t be able to get the breathing under water thing right, but it was actually quite easy, though we both did come away with tense jaws from biting so hard on the mouth piece to make sure it didn’t come out!

We spent about an hour in the pool, descending and ascending, and scrambling around the bottom of the pool. I think we both got the hang of it reasonably well. Better than the other girl having a go who kept panicking and wanting to go back up.

It was a really odd sensation – very peaceful in that all you could hear was water bubbling around you and your own breathing – kinda relaxing until you starting thinking about what you were doing again! Oh, and although you can cough whilst underwater, it doesn’t pay to laugh, cos then your mask starts filling up with water, and water bubbles up your nose! Not good when every time I looked at Dade he made me laugh! The more I tried not to laugh the more he made me laugh!!

We both really really enjoyed it, so now have to start saving our pennies and become PADI qualified so that we can go exploring beautiful foreign aquatic paradises….

Narrated by Carrie


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