
Facing The Global Water Crisis In Pictures

Facing The Global Water Crisis In Pictures

The defining moment of the 21st Century will not be securing another planet for us to live on. It will be how we meet this challenge on Earth. Can we get beyond the backbiting to keeping our eye on the prize? Or will our continued political, social, and religious differences keep us from the moral imperative? This is no joke. Water is becoming a scarcer resource for many people around the globe through waste, pollution, climate change, and privitization. By our hand.

Humans cannot live without water. So it should follow logically that if humans cannot live without water and potable freshwater is becoming scarcer that this would certainly be a crisis that is a matter of life and death. And yet, this issue hardly gets the attention it deserves.

Please look at these pictures at the link provided and realize that this is not about what is causing global warming/climate change and the petty political grudges that keep that debate from taking us to the necessary solutions to save this planet for ourselves and future generations. This is about seeing that future and visualizing what you know in your heart it should look like... and then making it happen.


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