
It's all becoming a little clearer

As I have a lot of freetime lately, I have been looking for resources to improve my photography amongst other things - my Spanish is coming along, though very poorly.
I have yet to hear from work about the dates for 2010, so no idea if I have a job next year or not: very late in the year to make other plans.
Things are tough at home too, not sure if it's pitu being demanding (as babies are) the fact that I'm bored stupid, maybe the fact Sandra dislikes her job, the economy or perhaps I am actually missing the UK!? Eitherway its tough, but we are working through it.

Anyway, I recently managed to get hold of a copy of an excellent DVD called OneLight Workshop by Zack Arias.
What a great find, not only did it help to make sense of a lot of the questions I had but it went above and beyond a basic tutorial DVD - showing you basics, setups and on site photo shoots.
If you haven't seen it and are into photography this is a MUST!

I have revisited some of my early attempts at some shots such as Smoke and Water and I am pleased to say I can see a difference, not only has my photography improved but also my knowledge (phew).

I am still trying to run before I can walk though. I have dreams of owning my own business already and what I could do with it. Like most times the one thing I'm missing more than experience is money, isn't it always the way. I would love to be able to put as much money into a project as I do enthusiasm - but I'm afraid I'm not that well off.I do need more models though - after watching the DVD (onelight workshop) I understand my flash and settings much more and how to do some clever things, but I need to be able to put this learning into practise.

I have been looking at the likes of Zack Arias and Chase Jarvis amongst others (top role models, and well out of my league) but hey, gotta aim high if you want to be the best.
Hope you like the photos so far. It's a long journey, but what a great trip ;)


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