
Salamanca - Day 4

Up in time for breakfast, my neck is sore (from sunburn), after two coffees I am ready to take on the world – well at least the kids. It’s off to swimming for lesson one, let the screaming commence! After that we had football and tennis, boy it makes you know how old you really are.
Then after lunch more swimming; I’m beginning to grow gills! In my free time I walked around the golf course, the peace and quiet was remarkable. I took a few pictures and had a go on the driving range which was fun; although I must confess I can’t hit a ball properly for toffee, (where did that saying come from?).

Tonight is a talent show and disco so should be fun. The kids have their own gossip mill and have paired all the teachers up and one teacher with a waiter (although that one is true, let me tell you; well.... they’ve got me at it now, lol).

Anyway the talent show went without a hitch only problem was it took a long time; with 8 groups each doing ‘their bit’ and also a Vaughan Town newspaper which the kids put together – gossip really but very funny then straight after we went into the disco which the kids loved and certain members of the teaching crew got a chance to shine on the dance floor.

Our suspicions about a waiter’s orientation were confirmed, when shown up later that night (enough said). The kids danced until they exhausted themselves, which was great; off to bed, very little messing about, and left us with some time to have adult conversation – it’s been SO long!


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