
A walk in the park

Well, after more excitement from Dade's part of Europe, what can I say from this side...

Last week, for me, was one of those weeks that both seems to drag by, but before you know it, its Friday already, you've survived the week and the weekend lies ahead of you. I was particularly looking forward to this weekend because for once, I was not working Saturday (i had a double shift on Sunday to make up for it!) AND the weather forecast was amazing (as i may have already pointed out in a previous post...).

I am loving the fact that its still light well after I get home from work these days, and it hasn't rained in ages (tho having said that it probably will now! sorry folks!).

So, not wanting to let a potentially gorgeous Saturday go to waste, I decided to head out of the London, and escape the rush for a bit.

Friday night I headed up to Amersham, and far far reaches of the London Underground system (which was actually overland by this stage), where Ellen picked me up. Had a girls night on at hers and then a very lazy Saturday morning, before another friend came round and we headed down to Marlow for a picnic by the river. Again, did i mention how gorgeous the weather was? We spent a lovely afternoon people watching, and were both amazed and astounded by the variety, and hidousity of outfits this sort of weather in April brings out!!

Saturday evening I spent at my Aunty Elaine's cottage near Great Missiden. It was ever so peaceful up there, and being able to lie outside in the garden was great. That is something I really miss here.

Sunday was another gorgeous day weather wise - tho sadly I worked from 9am-10pm, so while I got to see the day, did not get to benefit from it much!

So that's about it from this end...

Now we are almost mid way through another week and I am busy planning my trip out to Spain to see Dade for his birthday... only 13 more sleeps till I'm there .... ;-p

Dade is off in Salamanca this week being run raggered by Spanish kids. He's got no Internet access there so you'll all have to be patient along with me to find out what exciting tales he's got to tell....


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