
Reality bites

Well another week over, they keep mounting up. For this program I was in San Zoilo and what a week mixed with highs and lows. There was a strange tension on this program which I hadnt experienced before as the week when on so did the tensions, I'm just happy it didn't end up ruining what otherwise was a good program.

The usual mix of activities to get people bonding and maybe knowing more about you than you would normally reveal, 1 to 1's and telephone sessions kept them all very busy, but I felt this week very draining and struggled to keep my energy levels up and biting my lip - obviously something I'm going to keep working on.

The theatre went well again lessons learn't there too - a new sketch which was funny almost fell flat (work in progress), although we had some excellent input from the participants which is always nice.

Party night was fun and David and I danced to its raining men - dont ask! Anyway it was really cool and he danced very well, in fact i think he carried me through it really, but i noticed camera flashes galour so the must be some interesting photos out there! Not satisfied with making me sweat he turned to Marisa and they cha cha cha'd there asses off, very cool indeed.

When I returned to Madrid, I went to find my new flat and move in, so glad to have a place to call home again, it wont be lonely as I'm sharing with a guy and a girl, so that will be nice too, the place is very cool has what I need - which isnt alot. And tonight I'm off to do it all over again with a new bunch of Anglos - keep smiling ;)

If you want to see a selection of photos of the time we shared check


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