
How to beat the "blahs"...

We're all guilty of sinking into a bad case of the blahs every now and then. Try switching it up to beat the blahs. Ok, I won't get crazy, but I did this post as much for me as for anyone else. Here are a few tips to renew your spirit and beat those blahs with a bat!

Call an old friend from your hometown or your college.
Reconnecting with an old buddy you haven't talked to in months, or years, can be good for the soul. If it's someone outside of your usual circle, 9 times out of 10 they're going to have a totally different perspective and lend a nice out for your blahs...

Have a meal in a neighborhood you rarely visit.
For me, it's Chinatown. Take a new route, on a new train, and discover the potential for...something new.

Clean out your closets.
Clear out your closets and make room for new pieces and a new outlook. Not only will lose a those items you don't need, but you'll lose what you don't want - which prevents you from being the person you want to be.

Start popping multi-vitamins.
A One-A-Day will change your life. Whether it's about the mental or physical is a mystery, but it will work!

Parent a plant.
A wise person told me that you should never be the only thing breathing in your house. If it's not a kid or a pet, you can love a plant.

Send out your resume.
Tired of the old ball-n-chain, otherwise known as you J-O-B? Look around to see what's out there in your market. Polish up the resume and even take an interview or two. It's kinda like dating...always keep your options open.

Take a last minute vacation...anywhere.
Every Wednesday, the airlines post last minute airfares so you can seriously take mental vacation with an actual vacation. Nothing beats a blah like a spontaneous 2-day trip in a fabulous hotel with a little 48-hour adventure on the side.


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