
You Can Get Fat on Anything

I'm still looking for that motivation that got me started. While I don't want to end up in a deep depression like I was before, I'm not sure how to really wake myself up. The pain in my knee and leg is making me want to baby myself. And it's not that that's a bad thing. I think I'm babying myself too much. Why? Because there are exercises I could be doing. But again today, I'm resting. I will be at the gym tomorrow.

My eating has slowed down a little. That's the real damage. Depression and emotional eating have been my downfall throughout my life. As I have said many times before, I use food the way an alcoholic uses alcohol. But at least I'm using healthy food, right? (That's sarcasm. Ri-i-i-ight.) Believe me, you can get fat on anything--whether it's white or wheat bread, too much is too much.

I have the next two days off from work. I'll be cleaning my house today. I'm getting some things done around here with the help of my brother. And I have to say, it has improved my mood. But there's still a long road ahead. Sometimes, just the thought of how much there is to do overwhelms me. But getting it done will not only lift my mood, it could help me lose weight because so much of it is physical labor.

Anyway, that' my day. If you have struggled through emotional eating and have found a way to deal with it, please give me advice. I need it.


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