
What triggers your binge?

Hello all, Over the next several weeks I intend to take on the topic of emotional eating, and I invite you comment about what triggers emotional overeating for you. Emotional overeating is not merely connected to a love of food. Typically we eat out of emotion because it's the only thing that comforts us. But then once we've eaten the entire half gallon of ice cream, we feel guilty.

So together let's discover why we overeat--and it's more than your mother ice cream to satisfy you to make you stop crying--although that can play into it. Why do you continue the behavior that causes you so much pain? Let's face it, if we were alcoholics, we'd all be in rehab--or worse.

It's OK to try to control the behavior without understanding why, for a while. But then you break down and binge again. And the cycle continues.

I know I've said this before, but I'm determined to figure out why. And I will.


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