
Simple Cogntive Behavioural Therapy. Help if you are feeling depressed

As a person you have a right to your own feelings. If you are depressed and anxious, look at these sayings every day and see how it relates to you

I have a right to be treated with dignity and respect
I have a right to have and express all my feelings
I have a right to take care of myself first
I have a right to be listened to and taken seriously
I have a right to make mistakes
I have a right to say no, and I do not have to give a reason
I have a right to say no without feeling guilty
I have a right to say no to anything I feel I am not ready for
I have a right to say no to anything that violates my values
I have a right to say no to anything I feel is unsafe
I have a right to terminate conversation, if I feel humiliated or put down
I have a right to choose who I spend my time with
I have a right to enjoy myself
I have a right to set limits for myself
I have a right to make my own choices and decisions
I have a right to choose my own spiritual beliefs
I have a right to physical and emotional privacy
I have a right to grieve
I have a right to talk about things that are important to me
I have a right to be angry
I have a right to express my needs
I have a right to make noise, to laugh, and cry out loud

I feel happy and content
I feel relaxed and at ease with the world

I feel confident

People like me, and enjoy my company

I am witty and amusing

I am relaxed in the company of others

I do my job well, and I am appreciated

I have just as much a right to be here as anyone else

At the end of the day, does it matter?

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