
B Loved: Taboon Restaurant

773 Tneth Ave. (at 52nd St.), NYC

There's something to be said to keeping a hidden treasure...well, hidden. The selfishness has come to an end, and I've held out long enough. Revealing (drum roll)...Taboon. An old apartment near Hell's Kitchen led to an exploration of everything west of the A/C line. One of the best discoveries to date was Taboon. Coined as "Middleterranean" cuisine, with a special mastery of cooking meats to perfection, with simply pleasing, yet complex spices.

My best kept secret is also known for their Taboon baked bread - their house focaccia, drizzled with olive oil, and other goodness. It used to be served in unlimited supply, but the restaurant pulled back to 1 loaf per table once they discovered that patrons could indulge on this bread and wine alone until closing hour. Bottom line - this tasty bread sets the tone for brilliant things to come. Check it out for yourself!


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