
Inflammation Is Making Me Weight (y)

My health has become a source of regular disappointment for me. I have one day where I feel better followed by four where I don't know why I thought I was improving. I spent today crying. The boring, searing pain is still there. Although an inflammation that was throughout my body has greatly improved--the searing pain has not. It still feels like something is trying to bore its way from just under my ribs to out of my back. Gee, what if there really were some kind of Star Trek alien-like creature. . .well, maybe not.

I have my suspicions, but people immediately poo poo me. I don't think it's a creature with its own conscious. Just the one body part that has the capability of digesting itself. No, not the stomach. It's the one that alcoholics have problems with--no, not the liver. But it's in the neighborhood.

I think I have some kind of chronic pancreatitis. "Oh, poo poo," say some of my friends. "It's your gall bladder." I don't think so. This is not a colicky, crampy feeling. This is a burning, boring, searing feeling--like something is trying to digest itself. And it's working at it pretty hard.

Things that puzzle me are that the antibiotics helped some kind of overall inflammation that I was dealing with. My joints ached all over. I could barely walk. It took all my strength to pull myself up from a chair--it was painful. My hips and knees were especially sore and tender. Once I sat down, getting back up was an event--struggling, pulling myself up by whatever steady object I could get hold of. . .be it fixture, man, or beast. The dogs actually earned their keep a couple of times--most of the time I just used a chair. Now with the aid of antibiotics, however, I can stand without much assistance. I can once again go up and down stairs.

My shoulders, elbows, and wrists feel better. So does my back. Yet, my right side under my ribs still feels like a burrowing beast is making itself a home. What gives?

And the inflammation was causing so much water gain that I thought I was going to burst. That has begun to clear up. But what do I do when the antibiotics are taken away and everything returns?


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