
Goals, Prayers, and Promises

OK. OK. I've been gone for awhile. I still have a lot on my plate this week. But nothing like last week. Hmmm. I wonder why I chose to use "a lot on my plate" to explain how busy I am? Anyway, I'm still taking the vitamin D. And I do feel better.

Today I decided to write down some of my life goals, not just weight loss goals. My ultimate goal is to be retired and loving it. That's far and away number one. OK. So I haven't thought much beyond that. But when I am retired, I intend to do all of things I've always wanted--like have a farm. I know I've talked about that before. So I'm speaking of this goal as "when" not an "if."

As far as weight loss, I still can't get myself in the right place to even begin. I'm not sure what it's going to take. I think a positive state of mind for starts.

Anyway, all I really need is a lot of money. And who doesn't?

So this was quick and sweet. I guess I want my life to be my life. How's that for a goal?


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