
Old Habits Die Hard (OK. I Get It.)

I dreamed I was living in a charming old building that had been made into apartments. Two other people lived there—both of them were people I had known long ago but were no longer were part of my life, although they remain strong memories.

In this dream, I think I was living with a guy who had been a roommate of mine [we were friends only in reality as well as this dream] but I’m not sure. Across the hall was where another person lived. This girl was really a friend of the roommate—but I had known her. Although she was married, she tended to be rather provocative. She lived a colorful life, let’s say.

In this dream, she at first invited us into her apartment. But she disappeared shortly after we went in. She had gone to the back of the apartment where there were some stairs that lead to what may have been a fire escape. Anyway, it was an unguarded way that other people could get into the building.

A serial killer had gotten into this stairway and was trying to get into her apartment. She did not appear to be worried because she thought she could outsmart him. Part of her plan was to taunt him (death). I didn’t think that was such a good idea. This serial killer murdered people using a knife—often severing major arteries. He was poking the knife through an opening in the door, but she was able to avoid being cut, for a while.

I became fearful that this scheme wasn’t going to contain him much longer and choose to leave. (I choose to leave before I got cut.) I went to my apartment and tried to lock myself in. I realized, however, that once he killed this girl he would come after me because I knew who he was. As it turns out, I was right. He didn’t kill the girl, but she wound up in the hospital with several cuts, although they were not life threatening. The guy didn't do much or say much. But when he did, it was usually whining.

The murderer made a threat toward me, but now I don’t remember what he said. But it was along the lines of he intended to kill me. It was my intent to get out.

I was tired of the apartment anyway. Although beautiful, it was no longer my style, and now it had too many issues that were beyond my control—like intruders. It was old and had lots of things that needed repaired—none of which I really wanted to tackle. I wanted to move on. And that’s what I intended to do.

This is pretty much where the dream ended.

Now for my interpretation:

Dreaming of murder or intended murder usually means the end of something. The guy and the girl represent old habits [old friends] or parts of me that no longer work, such as being too free with the way I view important aspects of my life—my diet, my finances, my life. Although it’s worked for me in the past, it no longer makes sense to keep doing the same things. So a murderer comes to kill off my nonchalant way of leading my life. The old apartment has too many things that need fixed. It’s time to move on. It's time to regain control. It's also time to do the things I want to do. I don't want to be trapped someplace under constant threat of death. (Anyone who knows me can figure out what this means.) But anyway, it's the end. For me anyway.

P.S. The real meaning of this dream came to me suddenly. I think it has to do with my career more than anything else.


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