
My health and your health

I am really worried about my health at the moment. You can call me a hypercondric if you want, but it is true. I think it is a good job I had the flu jab as I think it could of been worse. It is a chest infection that started before Christmas. It keeps coming back. I am sure the vitamins and natural products that I have been  Taking will help such as 1-4 grams of vitamin c per day. A powerful garlic supplement, and a Probiotic Acidophilus supplement with 1 billion active cultures in each chewable tablet.


  1. Acidophilus lactobacillus is a live microorganism found in the intestinal tract and vagina---it aids in preventing harmful organisms from building up in the body. According to the Connecticut Center for Health (CCH), acidophilus can be destroyed by antibiotics and replaced by supplements.
  2. Benefits

  3. Acidophilus improves digestion, treats most intestinal problems and helps reduce the risk of colon cancer, reports the CCH. Acidophilus reduces the level of bad bacteria in the GI tract, normalizes cholesterol and aids in the digestion of lactose.
  4. Effects

  5. According to the CCH, acidophilus restores the balance of microflora in the vagina. It treats and prevents bacterial vaginosis, yeast infections and urinary tract infections.
  6. Supplements

  7. Acidophilus is often found in supplemental drinks and pills; however, finding a quality product may prove difficult. Ask your doctor to recommend a high-quality acidophilus supplement.

Read more: 
What Are the Benefits of Probiotic Acidophilus? |


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