
Menopausal Acne. Who knew?

Life has been pretty hectic lately. I haven't had much time to myself. I have managed to eat OK, and I even got a walk in last night. But, I'm breaking out with acne. Seriously. Acne. I'm 52 years old. And I have a big sore pimple on the end of my nose. I look like freaking Rudolph. I also have pimples all over my left cheek. How could this happen? Menopausal acne. Are you kidding me? No, it's real.

Menopausal acne happens for the same reasons adolescent acne happens—wildly sifting hormones. I never thought I would have to relive acne. But here it is. Just as big and bold as you please.

So what do I do? The same things I did when I was a teenager. Topical treatments, daily cleansing, and no picking. (Say it isn't so.) I can also use hormone replacement therapy. I was taking a bio-identical hormones, but stopped. Not because I didn't think they worked, but because I didn't think I needed them. I guess I was wrong. So I guess a refill is in order.

I hate to take more pills. And that's another reason I stopped taking them. I take so many pills now—just for thyroid I take three pills everyday. There are others, but I can't remember what they're for right now. Isn't that sad?

The thing is this zit on my nose hurts. I want it gone. I looked up a number of home remedies to get rid of a big, sore pimple, including witch hazel, Preparation H. baking soda, hot water, and eggs. Oh, and salt. So what do I do?

I'm also plagued with a cough that feels like it's only going to get worse. Sigh.

If you have any remedies for pimples or coughs. Let me know. 


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