
Back in Sunny England

Just thought I'd add a quick post, just so you know that I'm still alive as well! Well, that's sort of a half truth, cos I've actually lost my voice, and am suffering from my bi-annual chest infection - (i know, i know Mum, i must look after myself better!)....

Anyway, needless to say, our week in Spain was again a wonderful experience - the previous few posts may have been written by Dade, but they echo my thoughts on the week as well and I'm sure you will all see from our photos what a great time we had. For me it was a very different experience to my first Vaughantown trip to Gredos in December - for a start Greg got me performing in not just one, but 4 different roles! including a follow up to my December debut as Woody Allen's suicidal potential date by giving a repeat performance (but don't be jealous Andy, I turned this guy down as well!). We met a great bunch of people, a more varied lot I'd say this time, on both the Anglos and Spaniard side, but we again made contacts I am sure we will be in touch with again in the near future - Thank you all for sharing this week with us.

We made it back to England, to discover it is actually warmer here than it was in Spain - gutted! And the world here had somehow managed to continue ticking without us. Now its back to the daily grind, though my reintroduction has been delayed somewhat by my lack of voice and chesty cough! Dade's back to work today, and I'll be back into it all tomorrow as well...

I guess we have to earn money for our next adventure somehow....


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