
Here is the News

Britain witnessed a lunar eclipse last weekend. Lunar eclipses have traditionally been seen as bad omens and, lo and behold, the very next day Take That were number one again.

Madame Tussauds has been bought by the company that owns Legoland. So, the makers of countless model people with shiny yellow faces with simplistic features that all look the same except for unrealistic interchangeable hair has been bought by Legoland.

Children as young as 11 could have their fingerprints taken to be stored on passports. Though with 11-year olds these days I just hope there’s enough room on the biometric chip to also store their weight, criminal record and how many children they’ve got.

A 54-year old woman in London desperate to become a mother has resorted to advertising on buses for an egg donor. I expect that she'll have triplets. It’s always the same – you wait ages then three come along at once.


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