
B naked...

for a great cause, of course! How happy are New Yorkers that yellow cabs have added the TV-Taxi/credit card machine feature? I, who am mostly cashless, love it. But what's more is the fact that you can check the weather, PLUS, hear a few headlines on your ride to wherever! Just last week I learned about the Bottomless Closet while riding home after work. It's an organization created to provide deserving women with clothing to get back into the workforce. Much like Dress for Success, Bottomless Closet provides 2 suits to wear to an interview, but they also give grooming advice, interview tips, and offer to let members return for 3 additional work-appropriate outfits once they land a job!

After hearing about the organization I was already motivated to clean out my closet, but then I heard about Girls Night Out being held at the Harlem designer boutique - N, in support of Bottomless Closet. Clearly, the stars are aligned - and just in time for spring cleaning! Not only will you be able to make a donation to a great cause, but you can make room for a few new pieces, have a cocktail, support business in Harlem, and receive a 15% discount at N to get your Spring shopping started. It's a win-win all around!


When: Thursday 3/27 6-8PM
Where: N Boutique - 114 W. 116th St.
Why: see above :)


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