
Eating on the Road

Good morning from LA! My daughter and I arrived yesterday for a quick 4-day visit with friends and family. If you want to, you can read more about the non-food part of the trip on my writing blog:

My stomach was NOT happy yesterday, particularly with the three-hour time difference. I bought some fruit and a breadstick (it was the only carb I could find at the airport that wasn't sugar- or fat-laden) and ate them on the plane to Cincinnati. On the long flight to LA, I had two little sugar cookies (you know those "complimentary" snacks they give you on planes?), a few animal crackers (I was very proud of myself for only stealing a couple from my daughter's bag), a few peanuts, and a bowl of Kashi with some strawberries and 2 percent milk (gag).

We landed and were on the road to my sister's house by 1:30 local time, but my body was feeling like 4:30 and I was hungry. When we got to my sisters, I made a salad with her leftover, bottom of the bag lettuce and a shriveled up tomato, and ate a piece of bread with apricot marmalade (it was all she had in the fridge!). We later went shopping at Trader Joe's and I bought a bunch of good stuff that will last me the rest of the trip: asparagus, good salad stuff, and of course, my favorite of all decadent carbs: Trader Joe's corn tortilla flat breads.

I'm trying to stretch out these extra three hours. I woke up at 5 a.m. local time and my body thought it was 8. I had some grapes and tea. Lunch will be noon local time, 3 body time, so I'll probably have some of those corn tortillas on the road to Hollywood this morning. Emily (my sister) wants to eat at a Thai restaurant. This will be a first for me. I wish I'd had a chance to ask you all what I should eat! LOL

Eating on the road is tricky. I'd love to hear how you maneuver it.


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