
Are you ready for 2012?

According to MANY religious groups and even Nostradamus, 2012 is the end of the world as we know it! Consider what is happening to the world currently, economy, environment and war.

If you look at the past, MANY cultures looked to the stars for their answers, in most big cities we cannot even see the stars; which means we may not see what is right in front of us.
Apparently the Mayans, the Bible and even Nostradamus left us messages to help prepare us for the forthcoming disasters, but looking at how we struggle with floods and volcanoes we are not at one with the earth.

Many civilizations have been wiped from this earth are we about to become part of history too??

How does the government prepare us for disaster? They don't, Personally, I think Hollywood does; they play out the possible scenarios. There are MANY types of disaster movies, tempting fate I think not, mentally preparing you for what may come, more likely.
as if just to prove my point click HERE

December 21st 2012 is reported to be the beginning of the end.... ....of what is yet to be seen, lets hope for all our sakes its the end of man's destructive nature and the beginning of peace.

Although I suggest you put your affair in order, just in case!


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