
Everybody's Clock Gets Punched—Sooner or Later

Today, I feel kind of blah. I'm doing well with the exercise. As usual, my diet could be better—but it isn't terrible. I mean I haven't eaten a whole pie by myself. It's just one of those days, I guess.

Or maybe I'm just questioning life. My nephew's girlfriend's grandmother—I hope you can follow that—was tragically killed in a car accident this past Friday. The story is really a sad one. And the outcome is the grandfather is now left lost and alone. He's 78. My heart bleeds for him. I have cried for him. They were married for 59 years. Even though I didn't know these folks very well, this tragedy has had major effect on me. Life is so fragile. We're here one minute—squashed like bugs the next.

So I'm not left wondering what it's all about, but wondering why we don't make the most of the time we have? Everybody's clock gets punched—sooner or later. Armed with this information, I should be more than willing to eat right, get fit, and live the life I want. And I am doing better. But I'm also taken back to when I quoted Bill Murray's Groundhog Day character when he said, "What if there is no tomorrow? There wasn't one today." Why is it so hard to do the things I need to do to make my life what I want it to be?

OK. I have another movie quote. This one is from The Answer Man: "The truth is, you're always doing what you want. Nobody makes you do anything." So my truth is that I'm not doing the things I could be doing because I'm doing what I want right now: eating the wrong things and avoiding the truth. Because there's always tomorrow, right?

I don't intend this post to be doom and gloom. It's supposed to make me realize that if I really want to lose weight, it's up to me to do it.

Don't forget about my giveaway: Pilates Ring Giveaway. It really is a cool prize. At least, I think so.


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