
Hope and Bucket Lists

I have a little tree on my front stoop that I got from the Arbor Foundation. I'm trying to get it to grow. Sometimes I think it died. It has made it through some tough times. It has made it when I thought hope was lost. Sometimes it looks pretty rough. But I refuse to give up on it. That's the way I'm thinking about my health and fitness plan. I refuse to give up on it.

Well, I made it to the gym four times this week. I'm tracking my exercise on the Daily Mile. The eating is getting better. I'm trying to do as much as I can to health and fitness in the front of my mind. So I'm trying to find as people as possible who have made them a part of their lifestyle. So if you're on Facebook, let me know.

I decide to create a bucket list. Here's what I have so far.

1. Finally get down to 144 pounds
2. Learn Spanish
3. Learn to play the guitar
4. Be a billionaire (I know this should be before learning Spanish, but what the hey)
5. Have a beach house (See I had to have the money first)
6. Devote my time to charity (Once again, it's all about the money)
7. Write about only what I want to write about.

There's more to come later. But I think that's a good start.


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