
Attorney General: Hartono Tanoesoedibjo & Yusril Ihza Mahendra Will Be Arrested

Yusril Ihza Mahendra SisminbakumIndonesia Attorney General, Hendarman Supandji states that Hartono Tanoesoedibjo and former Minister of Justice and Human Rights Yusril Ihza Mahendra will soon be arrested. Because the evidence is sufficient. "It is estimated to be arrested because the evidence already collected,"said Hendarman in the Presidential Office, Jakarta.

Previously, Yusril Ihza Mahendra and Hartono Tanoesoedibjo was not arrested, because investigators have not reported and the evidence has also not been collected. "Yes, we will see it first, the investigators have not proposed, investigators forgot, it has not, it's difficult. Now everything is finished and it is possible, depending on the investigators report (to me)," said Hendarman.

Hendarman also state has not made any decisions related to the bid from Hartono Tanoe brother, Harry Tanoe who want to return the money of Legal Administration System(Sistem Administrasi Badan Hukum / Sisminbakum). "I have not received the report. We'll learning it. There are no decisions yet about Harry Tanoe bids, "said Hendarman Supandji.


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