
Lightening, Devils, and Yard Sales

I ordered Prevention's Flat Belly Diet. This will make the fourth different diet, err way of eating, that I've tried this year. I'm hope something works soon.

I just woke up from one of the most bizarre dreams I've ever had in my life--yeah I know. I say that every time I have a bizarre dream. And dreams are bizarre things. There's so much detail in my mind right now that I can't really narrow it down. But there was a storm and my house had severe leaks. A water heater in the basement had a surge protector on it, and it was a good thing since lightening was hitting house and ground around the house. A devil lived in the room with the water heater. I hated going in there. So I didn't.

Then I discovered many, many other rooms in the house. Most of them were under ground. Some contained children's clothes laid out as thought there were going to be some kind of yard sale. But I didn't and decided to donate everything to Christian Help. But there were other long hallways that lead to rooms that were partially outside--or lead to outside.

Some painters were just finishing a very unique paint job. I asked them how much they would charge to paint the main rooms of my house, and to my surprise they said only $200 but they couldn't do it until the end of January. I disappointedly said OK but but was happy they could give me such a deal considering the fine work they did. And they said they could have it done in only two days.

OK. The weirdest part was this guy who said he was a minister, but he was trying to arrange an affair with me. At first I was offended but then I thought about it. I never did agree to it. But I did think about it. He was supposed to be married to someone I knew, and he told me his name, and several other people repeated his name, but now I can't remember what it was.

The dogs were also involved and Caleb was playing inside the house's ventilation system. I was trying to get him out. Also, I was trying to make my bed.

And the details go on and on. So I'll try to figure this one out.

I am going back to the gym on Monday. I am not quitting.


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