
Food Interruptus

A funny thing happened on my finger’s third adventure around the edge of the bowl of soon-to-be-truffles goo yesterday: I couldn’t lick. My head was saying, “You reserved the Points! Eat it!” But my stomach was saying, “Put that sugar crap in me and I promise you’ll be seeing it again real soon.” So I rinsed my finger(s) and made the truffles and washed the bowl without another taste.

It’s 9:15 and I’m still in my pjs. I plan to still be in my pjs when I head to the kitchen in a minute and make a batch of Peanut Blossom Cookies and Puppy Chow, both laden with chocolate and peanut butter, but both way too sweet (like the truffles) to really tempt me. I do plan to have for dessert later a piece of Hungry Girl’s 1-Point fudge with a scoop of Breyer’s double-churn fat-free vanilla ice cream.

Also on the menu tonight: ham and scalloped potatoes. My food strategy this year seems to be to mostly make stuff I don’t like or no longer eat. It was not something I did intentionally, but it’s working like a charm. Besides, there will be enough cheese, almonds and homemade bread to make me squirm in my seat later. Ya’ll know how I love me some cheese, almonds and bread more than chocolate and peanut butter (except PB2) any day.

While making the truffles yesterday, I had a moment where I really missed the days of mindless eating. When eating a truffle or two was nothing more than a precursor to the real dessert. When unwrapping Hershey Kisses for the cookies was a “one for the bowl, two for me” game. When cheese, crackers, nuts, and bread would just “hold me over” until dinner. I was lost in these thoughts when the UPS man delivered the sweater I ordered from Macy’s, a very clingy cardigan that I thought would look nice with my gray leggings and black boots. I took it out of the package and tried it on. Yup. It was clingy alright. Hugged, and I mean hugged, every inch of my mid section and butt.

As I looked at my body in the mirror, I realized I could miss the days of mindless eating all I wanted, but I was never going back there. I’d rather eat light and look like I look now than eat whatever I want and hide under layers and layers of clothing. Food doesn’t make me happy. A strong healthy body that accommodates a clingy cardigan does. (Just so we're clear, I really am wearing a camisole under the sweater. I'm not THAT daring :))

So take that cheese and almonds and bread and truffles! I’ll try you, taste you, enjoy you in small bits for short moments, but I’ll enjoy my sweater for a long, long time.

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and Joyous Kwanzaa everyone! Eat smart. Be well. May you be surrounded by peace and love this evening and always.


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