
Physical Reason for Stuffing Myself

I was going to get some new photos of the boys, but they would not cooperate. I'll try again tonight.

I made it to the gym again this morning. Wow. That's two days in a row. I'm going for four.

My stomach still feels much better—although I'm more tired today than yesterday. I felt so good yesterday, I think I wore myself out.

Still pounding away on the piano. Right now, I'm still really confused over the notes. I know the keys, but when it comes to actually playing a song, suddenly I'm a klutz—well, that may not be sudden. I feel like I have flippers instead of fingers. Anyway, I'm practicing. I'm also looking into some piano software. I think that would be cool. A friend of mine is supposed to help me figure all of that out.

I ate breakfast before I went to the gym today, and now I'm hungry again. My stomach is growling—and it feels like actual hunger pangs and not that feeling that I need to stuff myself to make my stomach feel better.

We're having a Christmas lunch at work today. I think I can make it through without over doing it. Like I said, I no longer feel like I have a need to stuff myself. You know, sometimes our downfalls actually have a physical explanation.


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