
Basic Tips and Tricks of SEO

Introduction Basic Tips and Tricks of SEO

The Tips and tricks to basic SEO

Now we will try to review on SEO, Search Engine Optimization. Tips how to maximize performance, and the benefits that can be taken from the SEO itself.
SEO, what is that? Why we find many articles that talk about SEO. For those of you who have long experiences on the Internet, especially blogging world, certainly not gona be confused to the terms of this one, but for the newbies, like me, confused about SEO and the benefits surely become a regular fairness experienced every day.
Here, we will discuss about the basics of SEO and how to manage the application in our blog, so that the development of our blogs can become better.

Okay let's go to the main discussion.

Good Blog has one of the characteristics; blog has met the prerequisites for SEO. Absolute prerequisite must be fulfilled by a blog, as it related to the progress and the basic principles of making a blog itself.

Below are some of SEO prerequisites that must be fulfilled by the blogger:

☆ A Good Blog Title.
The title of our blog is the first thing get crawled and seen by search engines. We can make the title of our blog contains the main keyword that describes the overall theme of the blog that we created. We can also create a blog with the title refers to the keywords that are searched by blog visitors, but we have to remember, the suitability of the blog title with the content of our blog should be remain .

☆ Blog Description .
After the blog title, search engines will see the description in our blog. In the blog description, we can more freely to add keywords that useful to support the SEO. Because blogs are usually has a description column which can contain up to 500 words, then we can put in long description associated with the content of our blog.

☆ Regularly Updated Articles.
The Blog that we have made, should be often to get updates, and not only often, but it is also done regularly. Visitors and search engines will be more enthusiastic to blog articles that always new and changed, so our blog does not become boring with the same article for a long time.

☆ Blog Category.
The existence of a category is intended to facilitate the visitors and search engines to browse the entire contents of our blog. Therefore, the category has become so important in a blog. The selections of category name should be done with consideration to support our SEO activities. In addition to being associated with the basic concept of the article is in, we recommend naming of the categories by selecting keywords that are also Search Engine Friendly.

☆ Interactivity.
Remember our goal to create a blog, one of which is to convey ideas, opinion and response to any issues that take our attention. To support that goal, we also need to establish good communication with our blog visitors. So, we should provide facilities that can support the ease and fluency in communication. We can install the comment box, widgets for chat, recent visitors widget, or feed reader and RSS columns.

☆ Links Between Articles.
What is the need to create links between articles in our blog? A spider search engine will check every article that we made with very carefully and in depth, so we created a link that will direct search engines to include in the article that we make the link to the search mode.

☆ Backlink.
Backlink directly and indirectly is one of the most effective way to increase blog traffic. Backlink also able to guide search engines to log and crawl our blog. And with many backlink in the other blog can be an indication that the blog we have sought or even required by the visitor and the owner of another blog. We can use data analytics program that can check the number of links into our blog, what article that they've linked in, and what keywords attract visitors who can drop in to our blog. If we use, can we use google analytics to monitor the development of our blog.


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