
Happy Valentine's Day—It's Really Tomorrow, But Who Cares, Really?

I made it to the gym four out of five days this week. Monday I have a personal training session at 5:30 a.m. That should prove interesting. But I can do that for one day. Right? This morning I did 45 minutes of cardio. I feel so much better—like I have enough oxygen now. Yesterday I was sleepy all day. My legs kind of ache though.

I try to make a big deal out of Valentine's Day for one reason—my husband died of sudden cardiac arrest, and I want people to take car of themselves so that they don't leave their loved ones too early. So I give Valentine's Day cards. I give Shoebox greeting cards from Hallmark. They're expensive, but they are the funniest cards going. Anyway, I think people enjoy them. Happy Valentine's Day.


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