
Right or wrong!?

Right now, there was a huge piece of controversial news in the UK about a 13 year old father.
Yes that's right 13 YEARS OLD! I have to ask myself is this right???
Now, I'm no angel, but kids should NOT be giving birth to kids, it's simply not right!
At 13 your mind should be on so many other things, computer games, football, whatever; rather than trying to bring up a baby when you've barely grown yourself.

According to reports there has actually been several 13 year old fathers - the thing is, had this been a 13 year old mother, I'm sure the UK police would have prosecuted!
Added to this is the very sad fact that fathers actually have very few rights as it is, let alone at 13 having any. The issue of a stable home environment - afterall, some adults cannot cope with a baby, and finally the fact that yet again society is going to have to foot the bill for this.

There is of course the issue as to who's to blame? The kids, society, the parents, the schools!???
WTF!!! I'm sorry one 'person' - the parents!
The claim that all the sex on TV and moral decay is to blame - yes, it's a factor, but not wholly responsible - you can monitor what your child see's or has access to (at least in the home).
The schools are being attacked by MP's for telling them too much about sex!? WHAT!?
Sex education SHOULD be there to prevent this, saying don't tell them and all will be OK is ridiculous - perhaps this is the stance they took with the economy and look where that got them!
The kids, yes they are responsible too of course, but you have to accept that they were ALLOWED to have sex in the house with the parents knowledge!!
The parents role: to be wholly responsible for caring for and looking after the child, giving them moral and boundaries, not simply letting them do as they please - this is the problem we face today!

One of the really sad facts about this story is now it seems due to the publicity the 13 year old got from this story, that other kids are claiming the baby is theirs! What a circus!
I only hope the one who doesn't suffer in all this is the baby.
It's strange to think that by the time the 13 years old enters college his baby will be starting school!!!

There are literally far too many horror stories surrounding parents with babies and what action wasn't taken soon enough to avoid a tradegy - should the authorities really step in on this one?

So what's your opinion??


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