
The tips and tricks to select a drum stick

Tips and Tricks how to select drum stick for drummer

Drum stick, a tool that must be used each time to play the drum device. This tool looks very simple, with a large variation of size and design. However, who suspected that every type and design have it's own unique to make a characteristic of a voice. Thus, the selection of the right drum stick is absolutely necessary for musicians, in accordance with the characteristics of the track that he produce.

Then how to choose the right drum stick?

Drum stick has many classifications, from the Start with the size of the adjusted weight, to a form that is designed in such a way, to afford sound that is unique and specific.

Drum stick size is usually divided into several series. There 2A, 2B, 5A, 5B and so stick to the brush. Each series represents the weight and diameter of the stick itself. In general, the greater the number series, the great weight and physical shape.

Each professional drummer usually has their own way in selecting drum sticks.

Tips and tricks in the election drum stick:

1. Use a drum stick according to the type of music played. For example, a jazz drummer who need a beat-beat with the dynamic improvisation that attractive. Then he will usually choose the drum stick with the series 5A or 5B. There is also a rock drummer who need powerful attach, the choice often falls on the series 7A and 7b.

2. Select drum stick made of materials best. Drum stick circulating in the market using the most mapple type of wood, rosewood, basswood, and Mahogany campolay.

3. Search references from the drummer that you like in choosing their drum sticks.

4. If you do not also find a drum stick the most suitable for you, try to adjust to the conditions your drum stick. Acapkali our limitations even create unique.

So, we must make sure the options, Do not hesitate to try and experiment with various types of sticks are available. Finally, never afraid to show our specialty.

Welcome to try!


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