
The big one

Italy has had the biggest lottery win in the whole of Europe so far - 146.9m euros (£128.3m / $211.8m).

No one has officially declared themselves the owner of the ticket, although that doesn't surprise me. Firstly all the begging letters that are inevitable then all the possible issues that come with winning that much money (mafia target?!).

The question is does one person really need / deserve that much money?? Is it fair??
It one thing to have worked all your life or became a success at something, but how do you really prepare to be an instant millionaire?

The question I often wonder is what would I do with all that money?? To be honest, I dont know, I have an idea. I would look after close friends and family of course, after that I would set up a foundation to help people achieve their dreams. I think this is important and most of the time all people need and want is a chance, I would like to offer that opportunity.

As for myself I think I would set up a studio and several small business' to keep me busy, I would for sure continue to work, but also take advantage of what that sort of money affords you to do.

So what would you do with 147 Million???


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