
Alternative cure for blood and breast cancer

I looked on the internet for natural ways to cure cancer, and found this wonderful remedy. It uses all natural products that will not halm you.

This remedy has been popular in many hispanic countries and many people have claimed that it works wonderfully. Fray Romano Zago –a Brazilian fray who came up with this nice remedy and has used it for several years to cure people successfully– says that this remedy works for all types of cancer (skin, lungs, blood, breast, ovary, etc.). Some people say that it's very effective, even for cancer in terminal stage.

Look for an Aloe vera plant that is 3 years old or more. Clean 2 big leaves (or 3 small leaves) and remove the serrated margins (what look like thorns).

Cut the Aloe leaves in small pieces and put them in a blender or a mixer. Add half kilogram or 500 mL pure honey and 3 tablespoons of whisky (cognac, tequila or other kind of alcoholic beverage would be good too; this is a vessel dilator).

Mix everything until until you obtain a viscous mass. It is ready. You don't need to strain the remedy (just be careful that there are no sharp leaf margins left). Put it in a jar or container.
Directions For Use: Shake the jar very well. Take a big tablespoon, 3 times per day, 15 minutes before each meal. Do this for 10 days. Have a medical check to see if the tumor has reduced. If you don't achieve the desired results after this number of days, repeat the treatment a second time, or a third, or a fourth time until you get cured.
Side Effects: It might produce skin abscesses (but this is a sign that it is working).
Expected Results: In one week you will start seeing results.
Expected Results Within: 1 week

Holistic cures    Illness and disease    Lesser known herbs
Prevent cancer    Wellness ideas    Feel better

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