
Whadda You Know? It Worked

Yesterday I was queasy all day. Ever since I had the gall bladder removed, I often suffer from a big bile dump directly into my stomach. The bile sits there, making me want to puke. I didn't take the Colonix fiber supplement for a while because I didn't know how I would react to it. Finally, before I went to bed, I decided what the Hell. I'll take it. I wish I had taken it sooner. Within 10 minutes, the bile must've been absorbed, and no more sick feeling. Now, I don't know if this will happen every time. But it's good to know that it might work. I'll have to try it again to see if this really is a remedy that works. I will let you know.

I was running late this morning, but I did get in 35 minutes on an elliptical. The diet is going OK. I'm still careful about the amount of sugar I eat.

Life is crazy.


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