
Facing Life Head On

I decided that my blog needs a lot more than witless droning about the same old things everyday. How can I be expect to do well in any kind of journey—let alone a weight-loss one—if I keep myself in a depressed state of mind? I can't. I also decided that I need to set up some challenges for myself.

Now you're probably thinking that I'm talking about weight-loss challenges, but that ain't necessarily so. I decided to set up some life challenges—the kind that will make my life better. How do I know this will work? I prayed to God and He pitied me—and gave me some answers. He said: It's me. I have to do it. And that the fortune I seek will be at the end of a long journey, filled with fraught and perils. OK. I stole that from O' Brother, Where Art Thou? But the message is the same. Anything in life that's worth anything comes to us because we work for it—often really hard, never giving up. And hard work is that much more rewarding.

How is that a plan?
So what am I going to do? First I have to set up some ground rules for my challenges. Just saying that I'm going to do something won't move me to do it. I need a plan. For one thing, any challenge I take on will have to last for 30 days. They say—whoever they are—that if you do something for 30 days, it becomes a habit. So that's my plan for now—at least until I can think of other things that will be necessary for me to get to my goal.

No Candy for You
My first challenge is a weight loss challenge, and it's simple. I can't go to Betty's office to get candy for 30 days—starting today. Sounds easy, but knowing there's a candy dish up there filled with all kinds of chocolate is really tempting. I figure, though, after 30 days I won't want it any more.

Hey, I'm Walking
I will get some kind of exercise everyday for 30 days for at least 30 minutes. I don't have to go to a gym. I can do whatever it is I want to do—walking, videos, or the gym if I choose.

Writing Something Everyday for 30 Days
My next challenge—and I can't believe I'm making this publicly—I will write 30 articles in 30 days for my Suite101 account. I know I can do it. My biggest obstacle in this is me. I let writer's block take over so I can say I can't do it. I know I can get beyond myself.

So those are my challenges for myself.


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