
Changing My Nature Challenges My Fortitude (Oh geez. She did it here, too.)

I'm having a sad day despite my efforts to laugh and keep a smile on my face. I guess that's just how it goes sometimes. It's hard, too, because I've always been kind of a sad sack my whole life. And trying to change after more than a half a century is challenging to say the least. 

According to Psychology Today, optimism takes practice. And I can say without hesitation, that's true. I practice everyday trying to stay uplifted—in a good humor. And everyday I have remind myself over and again that being happy is something I want. So I'll fake it until I make it. 

The magazine goes on to say that optimism is more about being persistent and engaged with working toward meeting your goals than it is about being relentlessly happy or always thinking positive thoughts. So I guess a day where a little sadness creeps in isn't the end of my journey. It's the beginning of understanding myself and realizing that meeting a goal takes dedication and hard work. It also takes fortitude. 

Fortitude means mental and emotional strength in facing difficulty, adversity, danger, or temptation courageously. And I need courage when it comes to facing down temptation. 

I'm still fighting a weird internal battle over getting myself to go back to the gym. It's going to take more encouraging self talk to get myself moving again. And even more fortitude. But that's what I'm here for. Right? 

I'm still on my spiritual quest. I think some days that plays on my overall zest for life, too. I never thought that searching for my soul and my connection to God could take so much fortitude. Sorry for the constant use of that word. It just fits in so well with how I'm feeling today. 

Well, getting that out helped my mood. 


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