
Week 24, 25 & 26

As I'm sure you are aware, I have slipped slightly with my 52.  I have been taking shots but nothing I was happy with, although I have been ensured they were of suitable quality I just weren't liking them, partly because my heart was not in it.
I have a too many trails and tribulations to deal with currently and as a consequence I was unable to do anything.  So I have resigned myself to focusing on one thing at a time and only dealing with other things when I am in a position to do so; thanks to family and friends for the advice and support.
I am now feeling much better about moving forward and have revisited my shots and worked with the ones I thought had some merit.

Week 24's theme was: Historic.  So I went over to Shrewsbury as it is steeped in history and has a castle of its own to photograph.  The day was very nice and it was good to see that Shrewsbury hadn't lost its charm.  Although the cost of the rail fair did put me off somewhat.
Chosen shot can be seen HERE


For Week 25, I chose wedding details as I hadn't shot a complete wedding and this was my task for the wedding along with co-ordinating and taking candid images.  Huss taken care of the formal and group images.  It was a splendid day and one I am very pleased to have been apart of.
We have a wide choice of images and selecting the ones for my 52 was tough so I don't envy the bride trying to decide which images she wants to keep.
Chosen shot can be seen HERE


AND FINALLY.....  ..The half way point, Week 26.
I wasn't sure I was going to be able to get this far to be honest, but I have made it and it was no easy task I can tell you.  So far I have had a wide mix of style and types of shots along with a wide variety of subjects.  I am pleased to say I can see a progression in my photography looking back, although i need a little more thought into my creative shots as they had slipped away.

So what could I do for this week, well I need to be able to work in daylight, with and without flash so that's what I did.  In order to understand and use it better I asked Sandra if she would mind being my next top model and we headed off to a park which would be great for wedding and portrait shots.
I got here to pose and dropped in flash where needed as the midday sun was strong and high in the sky.  I played with direction, poses and angles and I am happy with the outcome to be honest.
But why not judge for yourselves, the chosen shot can be seen HERE



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