
It's the Middle of the Night

Well, I woke up in the middle of the night again. I've been up since 2:30 a.m. I worked out, but I'm wilted—although I'm not as tired as I thought I would be.

Only two people showed for aerobics this morning—and then the other girl had to leave early. That left me alone with a 20-year-old aerobics instructor bent on killing me. But I managed to get through it. One of toughest things about being the only one left in class is that you can't slack off when you're getting tired. You have to keep up otherwise the aerobics instructor looks like a dork jumping around all by herself. And no one wants that, right?

I wish I could figure out why I'm not sleeping. Is it hormonal or not? I just want to sleep. I'm taking sleeping pills, but they do little good. I sleep for a while, then I'm awake. It's like I'm roused out of a deep sleep into full awakeness—if that makes any kind of sense. I told you I'm not getting any sleep people.

So I'm tired.


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