
The Gym, Liposuction, and Daylight Savings Time

Yesterday I didn't go to work. I stayed home and did nothing. I needed the break. What I really need is a vacation.

I wish I could have liposuction to get rid of the rest of my fat. I still have about 50 pounds to go. And some days I get really discouraged. I keep telling myself, "Hey, you've already lost more than that. You can do it." And I have made a lot of lifestyle changes. In fact, I prefer to eat healthy food over junk food any day of week now. It's just better fuel. But some days, I wish I wasn't facing such a challenge. Why can't I already be in shape and maintaining my new figure? Yeah, I know. Quit feeling sorry for myself. It could be a lot worse.

I'm thinking of going to the gym today. It would be something to do besides sitting around the house complaining.

Also, today I realized that Daylight Savings Time begins March 9. I always feel better when we have more daylight in the evening. OK. So for a week I'll feel crap because we'll really be getting up an hour earlier. But once that week is over, it just gets better. I can't wait for spring. I really want to hit the Rail Trail. Right now, it's just too damn soggy. I think some outdoor exercise will do me some good--breathe in some air that isn't full of dust. That's what I'm talking about.

BTW: thanks for all the suggestions for my bat wings. I'm going to try to incorporate some of those suggestions into my regular routine. I also found some good exercises in a magazine. I found some good ab exercises, too. One day when I have the patience, I'll explain them here. But working as a writer for environmental things, I get tired of explaining exactly how things work all of the time. I'm not exactly a technical writer--I'd say more like a scientific writer. I don't have to explain all of the details about how "it works" just most of them. Anyway, you get the point.

OK. So go to the gym or not go the gym? That is the question. I'm thinking about it.


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