
How Can Everything be this Different?

My body is more sore than I thought it would be today. The free weights are really adding a challenge to my workout. I hope this will kick start my progress again. Also I am starving today.I don't know if being this hungry has anything to do with the new workout or not. Maybe I'm just hungry.

I was in a communication's staff meeting all morning. Sorry I'm late with this post.

At lunch I had to go drop some paperwork off for a consolidation loan I'm getting. I ended up traveling the way I used to go to get to my Dad's house. Isn't it amazing how much can change in your life? Two years ago my life was completely different from the way it is now—the way I lived, the things I did. The future seemed set. Not anymore. Now everything is pretty much a crap shoot—with different experiences everyday. Some days are good. Some just outright suck. I've had a lot of sucky days lately.

Well, I wish I had something good to report. But I don't. Not yet anyway.


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