
Alcohol and Weight Loss

Something I don’t see discussed much on weight-loss blogs is alcohol. I’m not talking about the crazy weekends or vacations in which copious amounts of umbrella drinks and garbage can free-for-alls are consumed. I’m talking about the everyday kind of drinking. A glass or two of wine with dinner, a beer after a long day, maybe a Manhattan with a maraschino cherry. What about those things?

Alcohol is a part of my life. It always has been to varying degrees. I used to do the hard stuff – vodka, Southern Comfort, Wild Turkey, schnapps of every flavor – but my last shot of tequila was in 1994 and I haven’t had the hard stuff since. These days I stick to wine.

When I joined Weight Watchers in 2005, I was prepared to give up wine in exchange for weight loss. Then when I “got it”, as in realized this was a lifestyle change and not just a diet, I learned to incorporate my wine into my daily diet. I used what some people use as food points for liquid points and it was not a sacrifice. I drank wine all the way down the scale, and I still do today. Not garbage-can copious amounts, but I like a glass or two most evenings.

What about you? Do you incorporate alcohol in your weight loss/weigh maintenance? How do you account (or not account) for it? I’m curious about this since so little is written about it. This can’t be taboo, can it!? Leave a comment or send me an email.


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