
Big Arms

It's that time of year when I'm always sick. Yesterday I had a headache so bad I thought I was going to throw up. That's a nice way to start out isn't it?

On the nicer side of life, I do feel like my body is changing—toward the better. I can feel more muscles than ever now. I've lost at least another inch from my waist. My hips are smaller and tighter. My arms still need a lot of work. That has always been a trouble spot for me. My arms look like "man arms." Remember the episode of Seinfeld when he was dating the woman with "man hands"? Anyway. . . .

I've tried to add a lot exercises to my program that can address my "arm issues." But it takes so much longer for me to really get them in shape. It's frustrating.

I'm looking forward to working in the yard this year. I have so much more energy and I can do more. I have a lot of work that needs to be done inside, but I want to be outside. I want to plant flowers. I want to make my house look nice. This weekend is going to be cooler. So I still have to wait a little while longer. Que sera, sera.


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