
Picking Up Some Produce—And Maybe Some Other Stuff

On my way home yesterday I decided to stop for some groceries. Once in the store, my first stop was in the produce section. As I was trying to find a package of strawberries that hadn't been squished, I man reached across me saying, "Excuse me, I'd just like to check these (meaning the strawberries—I hope)."

I said, "Oh, I'm sorry," and moved out of the way.

Then he said, "You're alright sweetie."

"Sweetie," I'm thinking. "When was the last time anyone called me sweetie?" I'm still thinking.

He then put the package back and moved to the other side of the produce counter and started looking over the apples—but he was directly across from me sort of giving me the side eye. Kind of unnerved, I quickly moved on. But it was kind of nice—even though there was no way I wanted this to go any farther. So this was a first for me.

Today's aerobic workout was tough. The instructor has been taking the boot camp classes, and I think she's decided that we all need punished. (I decided not to do boot camp this time. Maybe next time.) I was completely worn out at the end of class. I don't think I could've done another sit up, squat, or anything else. I still feel like she beat me up.

I got an invitation to a pot luck social at the gym. We're supposed to bring a healthy dish along with the recipe. I'm not sure what I'm going to do yet. Something Mexican probably—that's my favorite. The social is on the 26th.

So. . . what else. I think that's about it for today.


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