
It's Time for Phase III

Today's' workout was mild compared to the workouts of the last couple of weeks. I used to think this particular aerobics instructor was the most difficult. But I have since changed my mind. Karen, the regular instructor, has changed her workout so much that it's like boot camp. Ali's workout is nothing compared to what I've been going through. But it was a nice break. I feel refreshed today rather than completely beaten up.

I need to get my metabolism going again. I've weighed the exact same amount for three weeks now. I was losing. But it's stalled.

I don't know if I said anything about this. I can't remember. But I was approved for Phase III of my insurance company's weight management program. That means I get my membership for half price for the next year. Phase III for me doesn't really begin until mid June, but it never hurts to be ready. I can now have a seamless transition. Yea. Maybe I already said this; I really can't remember. I will still be weighed and measured every month. And I think I will be able to stay on track.

OK, OK, what else? I have to go to Washington, D.C. next week, so I likely won't be posting Monday through Thursday. But rest assured that I will be working out somewhere. I will try to stick to my eating plan as best as I can while away. Maybe getting away from it all for a couple days is what I need. I will exercise tomorrow and Monday here. Tuesday and Wednesday—damn I won't get to go to the gym—I'll be working out somewhere in D.C. I think the hotel has some sort of gym and there's a gym nearby. There's also a walking trail, but I'm not sure about that unless I can get someone to go with me—big city, walking around alone, not a good combination.

All right—later on people.


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